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Children and young people

Welcome to the children and young people’s area of our local offer.

Find out what is happening and what support you can get.

Families First Facebook

Follow @FamiliesFirstNEL on Facebook for 0-19 updates.

Climb 4 Limited

Youth activities inclusive of SEND, family and individual wellbeing programmes, employment and more.


Youth Club

Lincs Inspire

Arts, leisure and sports including libraries and gyms. – Leisure and things to do

The Council’s links to activities including local attractions, walking and cycling routes, and events.

Duke of Edinburgh award

The Duke of Edinburgh award in North East Lincolnshire is now targeted to support the most vulnerable young people in the area, especially those with SEND and an EHCP.

Grimsby Town Ability Counts Football Club

Grimsby Town Ability Counts FC is a disability football club offering opportunities for age 16+ Footballers of all abilities to participate in football. 

Club 22- Facebook

Club 22 is a club for adults with learning differences aged 16 and over on a Thursday evening.

Our voice, listen up

Our Voice Listen Up is your Council for children in care aged 10 to 17. Young people are empowered through activities and group discussions to speak their mind.

Youth action

Youth Action is the local youth council for young people aged 13-21. Volunteer yourself to get involved and make real change to UK Youth Parliament campaigns and more.

Volunteering opportunities

Give back to the community, learn new skills, become a team player and leader and meet new people.

Gravity Red Inspires

Gravity Red offers befriending and activities for children and young people with learning disabilities

Rock Foundation

The Rock Foundation is for young people and adults with learning disabilities. Through practical workshops and supported work placements you will develop life and employment skills to increase your self-esteem, independence, and quality of life.


Foresight offers a variety of courses for the disabled community of Grimsby and surrounding areas.

Grimsby & Cleethorpes RDA

Cleethorpes & Grimsby RDA provides horse riding and therapy to people and groups with disabilities

Cat Zero

Become the best person you can be, overcome personal obstacles, get qualifications and prepare for work.

Cat Zero have a great success rate.

Young carers

Find out if you are a young carer and what there is out there for you.

Young people released from custody

Support for children and young people who have been released from custody.


You can go to Childline for help about anything that’s worrying you.

Care Leavers- Health Offer Directory

School Uniform and SEND

Parent carers of young people with SEND often report that one of the biggest barriers to attendance is school uniform. Find government guidance, complaints and challenges, adaptive uniform and top tips.

Special schools and colleges

Local educational settings for children with SEND. Nearby settings and mainstream schools who can support children with an EHCP.

Specialist advisory service

An advisory teacher works with you, your parents or carers, and your teachers, to find ways of helping you to do well at school.

Communication and interaction

The SEND Outreach Team can help you communicate and interact.

Physical disability

The SEND Outreach Team can support you physical development like handwriting.

Further education and training

Post 16 options and preparing for adulthood including Young People’s Support Services, internships, employment, and education for SEND.


Local learning and training opportunities.

Disabled students allowance

What can I get? Am I eligible? How do I apply?

Educational Psychology

An educational psychologist is trained to find out how learning, development and behaviour can be made better.

School transitions

Make the best of transitions in education.

Digital support

Digital North East Lincolnshire helps you to get online and build your digital skills.

SENDIASS- Children and Young people

SENDIASS can help you in a number of ways.
They can help you speak to teachers or other professionals, plan what you want to say, and how they can meet your needs.

Mobility with disability: guide for UK students | Omio

Studying abroad for people with a disability.

NELC SEND Local Offer | Independent Travel Training – NELC SEND Local Offer (

A free scheme for those aged 14+ that get local authority transport support, to help them travel independently between college/school and home.

NELC SEND Local Offer | Getting around – NELC SEND Local Offer (

Transport for those with an EHCP, inclusive travel and facilities.

School transport


The Trainline

National Express

Travel and public transport

Bus pass

Blue badge

The EHCP Page has information on EHCP’s and Annual Reviews including guidance for young people on sharing their views.

NELC SEND Local Offer | Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) (

EHCP Annual Review Feedback

How did your EHCP Annual Review Feedback session go? Tell us how we can improve in this short feedback form.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (

Children and young people’s mental health, online workshops and more

Compass GO… North East Lincolnshire Mental Health Support Teams – Compass (

Emotional and mental health wellbeing work with all settings in NELincs.

SilverCloud at Compass GO! – Compass (

Virtual support service to young adults across NEL. Anxiety, low mood, body image

GPs, pharmacies and dentists


Social, emotional and mental health

Home – Kooth

Online, anonymous counselling and wellbeing resources for young people.

Educational Psychology

Your mental health

14+ Annual Health Check

Even if you’re well, getting an Annual Health Check is really important…

Autism Understood

A website by autistic young people for autistic young people.

Home – DigiBete

DigiBete is a video platform app to help young people, families and communities to manage Type 1 Diabetes.

NELC SEND Local Offer | Eating Disorders (

Fast track help, help for people with autism, and self-help.

Your physical health

NHS Change for life

Easy Read Dynamic Support Register (PDF, 532 KB)

BBC Newsround – The latest on coronavirus

Mindheart COVID book

Boloh – the Black and Asian family Helpline | BAME Helpline (

Helping for adult asylum seeker or a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic child aged 11+, young person, parent or carer.

Equipment and wheelchairs

The Carter Trust

Assists disabled persons in financial need by providing specialist equipment, adaptation of housing or transport to meet their needs where the need is such that the items/cost fall outside of statutory provision. The charity supports both children and adults.

Preparing for adult life

The SEND Local Offer Preparing for Adulthood page including housing, supported employment and internships, autism, and care.

Council for Disabled Children – preparing for adulthood

Preparing for adulthood resources for disabled children and children with additional needs.

Doorstep introduces new initiative with local advice service – Doorstep (

Specialist advice on housing, money, benefits, debt, and health & well-being concerns.

National Citizen Service

Designed specially for 16 and 17 year olds, the NCS experience will give you a clearer idea of what you want from your future.

SENDIASS- Children and Young People

SENDIASS can help you get the right support in college, school and at work.

Care Plus Group – Employability services

Strengthen your employability skills and join your pathway to sustainable employment.

Care Plus Group – Supported Employment

Mobility with disability: guide for UK students | Omio

Studying abroad for students with a disability.

Time to Talk Next Steps – NDTi

This is for young people with SEND aged 16-25. If you’re experiencing anxiety, isolation and who have limited or no plans for the future, Time to Talk Next Steps could help.

Care homes and housing options

Focus offers adult social work and can help with things like adaptions and hot meals.

Further education and training

Here you will find post 16 education provision for North East Lincolnshire is listed below.

Volunteering opportunities

Find a range of local volunteering opportunities.

Ryan’s apprenticeship and employment success story

Local lad Ryan moves from supported internship to paid employment.