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Annual Health Check

Did you know if you are If you’re over 14, with a learning disability, on the learning disability register you should receive an annual health check.

People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people.  An annual health check can improve people’s health by spotting problems earlier.

It is important that everyone over the age of 14 who is on their doctor’s learning disability register has an annual health check.

Having your annual health check every year, even if you are well, helps you to become confident with the process. This means that you will feel comfortable getting support for your health when you are unwell or in an emergency.

More than 400 local people have not had their annual health check in the last year. Please contact your GP to make sure that you are on their disability register.

Getting an Annual Health Check is really important because it keeps you healthy and happy.

There are lots of other reasons too, including:

  • not always knowing if you are unwell – the doctor can spot signs that you might miss
  • getting better treatment – for example new medication
  • talking to your doctor about anything worrying you
  • getting advice on lifestyle choices, such as your diet
  • being more in control of your health and your body.

What happens during an Annual Health Check?

  • An Annual Health Check normally lasts for up to one hour. You can bring someone with you to the appointment. During the check, the doctor or nurse will:
  • check your body, for example weight, heart, and blood pressure
  • take blood and wee samples (if you are happy to)
  • talk about your medicines, and your life. For example, they might ask about what
  • food you eat, and how you feel.

Find videos and easy read guides for young people and their parents or carers on Mencaps website. Don’t Miss Out – Annual Health Checks Mencap

This social story reads aloud to you explaining the process and what reasonable adjustments could be made for you at your check. Annual health check ‒ Social story and audio

What will happen once I’m on the learning disability register?

  • You will get better, clearer support with your health
  • You will get extra support when you visit your GP, and for making appointments
  • Staff at your GP surgery will make sure that the information you’re given is clear and easy to understand

How do I get on the learning disability register?

Speak to your GP practice to check if you are on the register. The register is for anyone with a learning disability, including mild learning disabilities. Children with learning disabilities can also join the register.

If you are not on your GP’s learning disability register, staff at the GP practice can add your name for you. You will need to make an appointment to tell your doctor that you have a learning disability.

you can be any age and have any level of disability to join the learning disability register and get extra support.

It is a good idea for children to join the learning disability register at a young age. This means adjustments and support are put in place before they start using adult services.

Most GP practices have developed a register of their patients known to have a learning disability. This has been developed from clinical diagnoses, from information gathered from learning disabilities teams and social services and has formed the basis of registers for people with learning disability developed for the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). These registers have been used to identify patients eligible for an annual seasonal flu vaccination and an annual learning disability health check.


  • you can take your time
  • you don’t have to do anything you do not want to do
  • the practice can support with reasonable adjustments to support you in having your health check

Get involved

We are looking for young people and their parent carers who would like to feature in a short film to promote annual health checks.

If you would like to help us improve local services for everyone who uses them then please contact