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SEND Local Area Inspection

Ofsted revisit

North East Lincolnshire has made sufficient progress in addressing all three of the significant weaknesses identified at the initial inspection.

Read the report for the joint area SEND revisit in North East Lincolnshire.

SEND Ofsted report 2022 revisit

SEND review Green paper

Learn more about the SEND review green paper.

SEND review: right support, right place, right time – GOV.UK (

We will be working with our service users to make sure you get the right support, in the right place, at the right time. Check back to the Local Offer for more updates about how we will work with you.

Ofsted and CQC inspection

You may be aware that we have been expecting an Ofsted and CQC Special Educational Needs and Disabilities revisit of North East Lincolnshire Council following on from their initial inspection in July 2018.

Today we have been notified that the revisit will take place from Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 March 2022.

Read the formal letter to parent carers from Ofsted inviting families to be involved in the inspection process.

Ofsted revisit Letter to parent carers. (Word Doc, 139 KB)

2018 visit

The joint local area Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) inspection in North East Lincolnshire took place between 2 July 2018 and 6 July 2018.

The inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) identified areas of strength with examples of good practice, and also highlighted three areas of weakness that require further improvement. In response to the inspection findings we recognise that some of our local services do not meet the standards and expectations that our children, young people and their families deserve and we are jointly committed to delivering improvements in our local offer across education, health and social care services.

Written Statement of Action

We were required to produce a Written Statement of Action (WSOA). The WSOA sets out what we will do to address the significant areas of weakness.

Local area leaders have a limited understanding of the needs of children and young people who have SEN and/or disabilities and the education, health and care outcomes they achieve. This fundamentally weakens the local area’s ability to jointly plan, commission and provide the right services, resources and support for this group of children and young people, and their families.

The local area’s strategy for improving arrangements for identifying, assessing and meeting the needs of children and young people who have SEN and/or disabilities, and improving their outcomes, is ineffective.

Children, young people and families have too little involvement in meaningfully co-producing the education, health and care services they need.

The SEND Written Statement of Action (PDF) has been approved by Ofsted and CQC on 8 January 2019 as fit for purpose. You can read the Ofsted response by downloading the SEND Written Statement of Action – Ofsted Response December 2018 (PDF) .

Parent carers requested an Easy Read Written Statement of Action. (Word, 3MB).


NELPPF (North East Lincolnshire Parent Participation Forum) welcomes the outcome of the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Local Area Inspection. The Ofsted report highlights a number of areas for improvement as well as some areas of strength, it will help us all make sure that vulnerable children and young people’s needs (0-25) are identified and met going forward.

Following the report NELC (North East Lincolnshire Council) and NELCCG (North East Lincolnshire Commissioning Group) will need to prepare and submit a joint Written Statement of Action (WSOA) to Ofsted within 70 working days of receiving the final report.

NELPPF and SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) will be working closely with them to prepare the WSOA, which when approved will be published on both the NELC and NELCCG websites, and the local offer.

Progress against the WSOA will be closely monitored by the Department for Education (DfE) and NHS England with regular follow up visits.

NELPPF would really welcome involvement from as many parents as possible to make sure you can voice your views about how to make the improvements with SEND Provision in North East Lincolnshire.

If you want to know more about and / or be involved in this vital piece of work please visit NELPPF’s Facebook page or contact them through the NELPPF website.