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Our vision and key documents

Our vision and key documents

Find out about how we work and the important processes and documents we have to make sure the services we provide are the best they can be.


“Our vision is for every young person in North East Lincolnshire with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to be included in education and society; to develop their independence; and to achieve the outcomes that are important to them to lead successful and fulfilling lives.”

This means:

  • Children and Young People will be supported as individuals, feel included, and be understood and supported by peers and professionals. They will live fulfilling lives, achieving personalised outcomes through effective support from the right services who are involved at the right time.
  • Parents will have confidence and trust in the SEND system to deliver appropriate support that meets their child’s individual needs. Parents, carers and professionals will support and enable each other to help children meet outcomes. Parents will feel supported, heard and informed.
  • The wider community will be better able to proactively support children and young people with high quality, personalised interventions helping them achieve their full potential.
    As partners working together we need to ensure that we focus on aspiration, inclusion, opportunity and achievement for all children and young people.

Key documents

SENDAP Strategy (PDF, 3MB)

SENDAP Joint Commissioning Strategy (PDF, 2MB)

SENDAP Sufficiency Strategy (PDF, 3MB)

Ofsted report 2022 revisit

Transitions Best Practice Guidance (Word, 65KB)

Capital Funding (PDF)

Special Provision Plan (PDF, 130KB)

North East Lincolnshire Accessibility Strategy (Word, 769KB)

Procedures for Social Care – Children and Young People Aged 0 to 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (Word, KB)

2019/2020 SENDIASS Annual Report

Under development

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