Equipment and wheelchairs
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG) provides wheelchairs for children, young people and adults with a long-term physical disability that affects their mobility.
Wheelchairs are supplied on a loan basis where the following criteria are met:
- The client is registered with a GP in North Lincolnshire/North East Lincolnshire.
- Each person has been assessed by their Doctor or an accredited professional as having a long-term mobility need, (i.e. more than 6 months except for the terminally ill).
- The client will be able to derive significant improvement in mobility through the use of a wheelchair.
- Clients must be within the weight limit stated in the manufacturer’s details for a specified chair.
- Assessments will take into account the rehabilitation process.
- Normally only one wheelchair will be provided for use in all environments.
Wheelchairs will not be provided for those people who are independently mobile around their home environment but who use a wheelchair outdoors for occasional/social use.
This criteria is also listed on NLAG’s Wheelchair Services page.
Download the Wheelchair Eligibility Criteria (PDF, 281 KB) from NLAG.
Personal Wheelchair Budgets
The Northern Lincolnshire and Goole (NLAG) Wheelchair Service is now offering Personal Wheelchair Budgets (PWB). A personal wheelchair budget is a resource available to support people’s choice of wheelchair, either within NHS commissioned services or outside NHS commissioned services. Personal wheelchair budgets can support people to access a wider choice of wheelchair.
More information is available from the NHS England website on personal wheelchair budgets.
The options available through a personal wheelchair budget in North East Lincolnshire are explained in the PWB leaflet (Word, 998 KB).
Equipment and Adaptations to support daily living
If equipment is required to assist with activities of daily living or home adaptations a referral can be made to the Community Occupational Therapy Department. This service is for children and adults. Read more on Care Plus Groups website on Community occupational therapy and rehabilitation.