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27 results found for sendiass

What are Personal Budgets?

A personal SEND budget is money that helps a child or young person with SEND achieve their outcomes. It’s based on their needs that have been assessed and written into […]

Where can I find independent help and support?

Independent support If you need some support outside of the services run by the Local Authority take a look at these independently run support groups. Support from us To find […]

Getting information, advice and support

Getting information, advice and support Help for your child if you have concerns If you have any concerns about your child’s development or health, whatever their age, you can talk […]

Education Health and Care Hub

The Hub puts children and their families at the heart of these processes and provides secure access to anyone who needs to be able to contribute and view information. Find […]

Elective home education and SEND

If a child or young person has SEN Support – The elective home education process will begin and parents or carers being signposted to SENDIASS and Early Help, provided with […]

Engagement and co-production

Engagement and co-production We develop SEND services by working with children and young people, their parents or carers and professionals. There are many ways engagement and co-production improves services. You […]

Getting help for your child

Early help Early Help includes childcare and funding, group sessions and programmes for your child’s development as well as local information, and links to support for both parents and professionals […]

Delivering Better Value in SEND

What is the Delivering Better Value in SEND (DBV) programme? Delivering Better Value in SEND is about listening to families of children and young people with SEND and making improvements […]

Jargon Buster

On this page you will find common SEND words, phrases, and acronyms. Command+F is a keyboard shortcut often used to open a find or search box to locate a specific character, […]

Preparing for adulthood process

In this section you can find out about the support, information and advice about the post 16 process. Preparing for Adulthood is a key element of the Special Educational Needs and […]

Settings, parents and carers for education- SPACE Forum

The newly named SPACE Forum brings together parent carers of children and young people with SEND and professionals from around the borough to collaborate, share experiences and ideas, and foster […]


Welcome to our Local Offer Our Local Offer is the place that provides and directs you to information that will support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). If your […]