Settings, parents and carers for education- SPACE Forum
The newly named SPACE Forum brings together parent carers of children and young people with SEND and professionals from around the borough to collaborate, share experiences and ideas, and foster a supportive community for those involved in SEND.
All parent carers and educational settings within North East Lincolnshire are welcome to join these sessions.
The SPACE Forum builds on the work of the Autism in Schools Project, a programme of work our Local Authority successfully bid for to to progress our offer, and improve the understanding of neurodiversity from both parents and professionals.
What happened at our previous forums?
Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)
We would like to invite a select number of primary academies in North East Lincolnshire (NEL) to be part of the Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools project (PINS). Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) will bring health and education specialists and expert parent carers into mainstream primary settings.
Parent carers have recommended useful resources for others to benefit from.
See what they recommended: Autism and neurodiversity resources
Autism in Schools
The SPACE Forum builds on the work of the Autism in Schools Project, a programme of work our Local Authority successfully bid for to to progress our offer, and improve the understanding of neurodiversity from both parents and professionals. Engagement was central to this work and the Autism in Schools Parents Supporting Parents Forum was one the most successful parts of the project.
Learn more about the project through these videos.