SEND Local Offer
Engagement and co-production
We develop SEND services by working with children and young people, their parents or carers and professionals. There are many ways engagement and co-production improves services. You are at the heart of all of them.
Engagement helps us to understand your needs by listening to your views and opinions through surveys, conversations with our team, at events, and in many other ways.
Read the SEND Engagement Strategy (Word, 624 KB)
Co-production involves actively working with you to produce quality support and services, from producing a document to planning an event.
All of it is important and highly valued. Conversations are just as important as formal surveys and feedback forms which is why we are always listening to you and the services you use to find out what’s working well and what can be improved.
The bigger picture
We have been working closely with the NHS North East Lincolnshire Health and Care Partnership to make best use of our shared resources to improve the health, care and life experiences of everyone living in North East Lincolnshire.
We want to get better at how we talk, listen and work together with our communities. We have adopted the North East Lincolnshire Commitment which can also be adopted by anyone working in North East Lincolnshire.
You can find our ‘Talking, listening, and working together’ strategy on The Local Authority website Engagement, consultation and involvement | NELC (
We have also launched our Engagement toolkit which provides advice and guidance around engagement methods and processes.
If your organisation has any engagement-based activity coming up please contact our team so it can be included in the forward plan and engagement can be coordinated across partners.
We have five goals for what our communication and engagement will look like.
- Parents, carers and young people with SEND are actively encouraged to be involved in all aspects of the identification, assessment and provision processes in relation to SEND.
- There is a consistent approach from the local authority, CCG and wider system to engaging with our stakeholders.
- Professionals have a shared language when it comes to talking about and sharing messages around SEND.
- Our Local Offer enables parents/carers, professionals and young people to find the support they need.
- We use our communication and engagement to celebrate the achievements of children and young people with SEND.
There are many ways you can get involved to help shape SEND services.
What you say makes a huge impact. When you tell us what you like, want and need we can give you content and services that suit you. We want everyone to have their say and benefit equally.
And then?
As a result of working with us you benefit from quality services and support to enrich your life. We see needs as they arise, enabling us to adapt and bring positive changes to you sooner.