1:20 pm, Friday, 19th November 2021
SEND weekly parent and carer update
This is the SEND weekly parent/carer update for Monday, 15 to Sunday, 21 November, 2021. This week:
SEND Banding Review
What are we doing?
We are taking a look at our local area SEND banding to see what is working well and what needs to change. We are working together with parents/carers and professionals from education, health and social care to carry out this review and implement change.
Why are we doing this?
Our SEND Banding has stayed the same since 2015. There may be alterations that could be made that would help improve provision and outcomes for children and young people with SEND?
What does NE Lincs SEND Banding look like at the moment?
Currently, we have banding descriptors that suggest a range of needs that children and young people may be presenting with. The SEND panels work with education settings to decide which set of banding best describes a child or young persons needs. For each banding descriptor there is an associated amount of high needs top-up funding that is allocated to a learner’s setting through their Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
What are some examples of changes that may be considered?
Some people have suggested that rather than one fixed sum of funding , finance could be provided in line which the specific needs of each pupil and the cost (e.g. 3 x speech and language sessions costing £X, as well as 5 mornings of TA support costing, £X).
Another suggestion is that the banding descriptors should include the interventions that should be offered at each stage in a graduated approach. Also suggested has been that education settings are monitored by each other to check and challenge how SEND funding is being spent and how well outcomes for learners are being achieved.
How can I get involved in working together on the Banding Review?
If you are a parent/carer contact Lauren.Thompson@nelincs.gov.uk to join our Banding Review parent/carer focus group or tell us your comments and ideas through our SEND Banding Review survey.
If you are a SENCO or teacher, headteacher, principle or governor or health or social care professional contact Rebecca.Taylor@nelincs.gov.uk to register your interest or look out for the planned SEND Banding Review events in our SEND Newsletter.
Covid vaccinations
12-15 Covid vaccinations
Has your child, aged 12-15 years old, missed their Covid vaccination at school? If they have they may be able to be vaccinated at a clinic.
Check the NHS North East Lincolnshire CCG Facebook, @NELincsccg.
Special vaccinations for SEND
Are you a young person aged 16 or older, or do you support someone of this age?
If you would benefit from being able to access a COVID-19 vaccination in a quieter environment with support to prepare beforehand and set appointment times to reduce waiting?
We are looking at the possibility of setting up specific sessions to support young people with SEND and would like to hear from you if you would be interested in this service or if you wish to discuss any issues you have had in accessing a vaccination due to your specific needs.
Please contact: Sarah Harding (Designated Clinical Officer SEND) by email: designatedclinicalofficer@nelincs.gov.uk
Speech, Language and Communication
We’ve updated the Local Offer ‘Have your say’ page to include the great work being done to improve speech, language and communication services. NELC SEND Local Offer | Have your say (nelincs.gov.uk).
Ideas and improvements will be much better when we hear from you.
We always want to hear from you about what is and isn’t working well, and particularly your ideas for how to improve things.
Share your experience about any local service that support speech, language and communication. Improve speech, language and communication services. You can also leave your contact details to get involved in other ways.
Find out more about the Strategic Group that is improving services and the results so far.
NELC SEND Local Offer | Speech Language and Communication engagement (nelincs.gov.uk).
Sleep workshop
Parents and carers are invited to attend a free sleep workshop online, funded by Humber Transforming Care Partnership.
Find out more about the workshops in the online Q&A session.
Sleep workshop Q&A for parents and carers.
The workshop consists of two sessions. There are two options to chose from. Please choose one set of sessions.
Option 1
Week one
Thursday, 18 November: 12-2pm
Week two
Thursday, 25 November: 12-2pm
Option 2
Week one
Wednesday, 25: 10am-12pm
Week two
Wednesday, 1 December: 10am-12pm
There are more dates to be confirmed in the New Year.
To book onto a workshop please contact, Claire.Earley@kids.org.uk.
Find this training and other training on the Local Offer. NELC SEND Local Offer | Events and training (nelincs.gov.uk)
Find out more about services to help your child to sleep. NELC SEND Local Offer | Social, emotional and mental health (nelincs.gov.uk).
Linkage College open day
Do you think that Linkage College could be the place for you?
Young people who are thinking about their next steps, and their parents or carers, are invited to the Linkage College online open day.
Thinking ahead!
Focus is joining the online open day. They will be talking about adult social care.
There will be a live question and answer session at the end of the presentations.
The event is on Friday, December 3 from 11:30am-12:30pm.
Book on Eventbrite to get the link to join the session.
Linkage College online open day booking.
SEND Coffee Morning
Join us for a friendly chat over a cuppa at these drop-in sessions. Discuss your experiences and seek and share advice with other parents of children with SEND.
Our sessions are held twice a week during term time from 9:30-11:30am.
Central Family Hub,
Edward Street,
DN32 9HL
Nunsthorpe Family Hub,
Sutcliffe Avenue,
DN33 1AR
For more information contact Abi Fleming, SEND Parent Champion.
Email- sendparentchampion@nelincs.gov.uk.
Call or text- 07552743370.
North East Lincolnshire Parents Participation (NELPPF)
NELPPF is a collective voice for parents and carers in North East Lincolnshire. They offer guidance and support from 0 to 25 years and make sure that parents’ views and experiences influence local services to make things better.
Stay with us!
Thank you to all North East Lincolnshire parent carers who have subscribed to and support NELPPF in the past.
Due to GDPR we cannot bring your contact details across to the new forum. Please stay with us. Simply re-subscribe to NELPPF e-news today.
Check out the updated NELPPF page on the Local Offer. There’s lot’s of video’s about how you can get involved and the difference that it makes. NELC SEND Local Offer | North East Lincolnshire Parent Participation Forum (nelincs.gov.uk)
See the updated contact details for NELPPF.
Contact NELPPF
Facebook: (20+) North East Lincs Parent Participation Forum | Facebook
Email: nelppf@carerssupportcentre.com
Telephone: (01472) 242277
Read the latest National COVID guidance and local guidance.
Follow the Department for Education on social media.
Contact Jennifer.steel@nelincs.gov.uk if you have a query about school exclusions.
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs Disability Information Advice Support Service).
SENDIASS provides free impartial information, advice and support to disabled children and young people aged 0-25, and those with SEN. Get in touch Monday-Thursday, 8.30am- 4.30pm. Friday 8:30am- 4pm. Leave a message and we’ll get back to you within three days.
Email: nelincs@barnardos.org.uk
Web chat
The web chat is monitored by one of our experienced project workers every week day between 10am and 11am. Any queries which are received via the chat function outside of these hours, or on a day an adviser is unable to log in, the message will be redirected to our email which will be actioned as soon as possible.
The SENDIASS training has been postponed. Parents can view recordings of some of their training on their Parents and carers page, under ‘Training recordings’.
If you have questions about SEND we are always here to help. Please don’t hesitate to email sen@nelincs.gov.uk. We always try to make sure that children and parents/ carers voices are heard.
These Weekly SEND parent/carer newsletters are shared with teams within education, health and social care as well as parents/carers SENCOs, the DfE and local charities.
If parents/carers or young people over 16 do not have access to the internet or if they prefer to receive paper copies only please contact sen@nelincs.gov.uk.