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Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH)

The main support services for social, emotional and mental health for young people in North East Lincolnshire are:

Visit Kooth.

Kooth is commissioned by the Local Authority to provide free, anonymous counselling and wellbeing support to young people aged 11-19.

The site relies on text-based interaction. Below you will find some of the accessibility features of the site, and adaptations they can make for users with SEND.

Inclusion and adaptations for SEND

If someone has learning difficulties or learning needs, we would look to adapt our approach to their strengths and explore ways to accommodate their needs in a person-centred and collaborative way.

This may include:

  • Adaptations to cognitive difficulties
  • Adapting how we present information
  • Giving you more time in the chat function with our counsellors to read and respond to information
  • Enhanced use of visual information and material
  • Break-down of material/interventions in smaller steps
  • Use of simple language to accommodate your ability
  • Relying more on concrete/less abstract language
  • Allowing in-session breaks etc.

We are also happy to liaise with other external agencies, if an individual consents to this, to ensure joined up care.

Web accessibility

We also ensure our platforms meet the Web Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA.

Following these guidelines makes content more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including accommodations for:

  • Visual and hearing loss and impairments
  • Limited movement
  • Language and speech disabilities
  • Photosensitivity
  • Learning disabilities and cognitive limitations

We have clinical Team members with expertise in evidence-based interventions for those with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorders/SEND.

We offer ongoing support and guidance to service delivery staff working with those with Intellectual Disability, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and SEND.

All delivery staff complete a Level 2 Dyslexia Awareness course.

If Kooth can not adapt sufficiently to meet the users needs, we would signpost individuals to other services that may be able to support them better.

Ultimately, we always prioritise what we feel will best support each service user based on their unique needs.

Compass GO Mental Health Support Team

Compass GO… Mental Health Support Team works with children, young people, families and educational settings in North East Lincolnshire. We provide support, help and advice for pupils, students and schools for issues related to emotional and mental health wellbeing. Compass GO… currently have full school coverage of the North East Lincolnshire borough but please call our duty line to clarify if needed.

Referral to mental health services.

Online workshops for parent carers to support their children on things like anxiety, and mood. Self-help for young people, and signposting to other support and resources.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (

The different things we help people with

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The symptoms of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and teenagers are usually noticeable before the age of 6.

They occur in more than one situation, such as at home and at school. Children and teenagers with ADHD will show signs of being inattentive, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. 

These symptoms can cause significant problems in a child’s life, such as underachievement at school, poor social interaction with other children and adults, and problems with discipline.

Where to get help

Neurodevelopmental Service :: Navigo (

NELC SEND Local Offer | ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (

Care Plus – The ADHD service


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessions are usually thoughts, pictures or impulses that cause unpleasant feelings or anxiety and pop into our mind when we don’t want them.

Many things can cause these obsessions, and they usually leave the person feeling out of control and frightened. A compulsion is a behaviour or act that people do to try and reduce these uncomfortable feelings or “put right” the obsessional thought.

Some people may experience obsessions and compulsions and live with this without it causing too many problems.

However, sometimes, these obsessions are so frightening, and people are doing so many compulsions that it really starts to interfere with their quality of life.

Where to get help

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter)

NAViGO have been appointed as the new provider of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in North East Lincolnshire from April 2023.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (

An eating problem or concern is any relationship with food that you find difficult.

It is incredibly common for young people to experience problems with eating. Problems with eating can be very complex and there is no one single cause.

Sometimes eating problems are a symptom of another issue, such as anxiety or a way of coping with difficult feelings or feelings of control. But if food and eating feels like it’s taking over your life then it may become a problem.

Many eating difficulties can make you feel quite lonely and as though nobody understands. 

If you think you need to speak to someone about worries with eating or food the first step is to talk to someone that you know and trust as soon as you can.

Where to get help

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter)

NAViGO have been appointed as the new provider of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in North East Lincolnshire from April 2023.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (

From time to time, everyone feels fearful or worried and this is completely normal. For some young people, this develops into severe anxiety which can cause distress in everyday life.

Worrying can be useful, by providing us with protection from threatening situations and allow us to respond. Too much worry can be debilitating and make everyday a struggle to get through due to not being able to stop thinking about worries.

Anxiety and worry can cause both physical and emotional responses. Some physical responses include feeling sick, feeling breathless or feeling tense, whilst some emotional responses are feeling fearful or panicky, irritable or upset.

One of the ways to reduce feelings of anxiety that you are feeling is to understand it better. By understanding how anxiety works, you can then understand the reasons why you are feeling anxious and breaking that vicious cycle.

Challenging situations and other factors can cause worrying thoughts that we have to challenge in order to stop worrying.


School anxiety journal prompts (PDF, 440 KB)

School worries (PDF, 228 KB)

Anxiety in Children | Nip in the Bud | Free Downloadable Fact Sheet

Where to get help

Compass Go

Compass GO provide support, help and advice for pupils, students and schools for issues related to emotional and mental health wellbeing.

Compass GO… North East Lincolnshire Mental Health Support Teams – Compass (

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter)

NAViGO have been appointed as the new provider of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in North East Lincolnshire from April 2023.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (

Take a workshop on anxiety. Workshops for Parents and Carers :: NAViGO (

Most young people experience ups and downs during their teenage years and occasionally will feel down or upset by certain things going on in their lives.

But some young people feel sad, lonely, down, and anxious or stressed for longer periods of time to the extent that it can affect their everyday lives and can prevent that young person from doing things they would normally do.

Where to get help

Compass Go

Compass GO provide support, help and advice for pupils, students and schools for issues related to emotional and mental health wellbeing.

Compass GO… North East Lincolnshire Mental Health Support Teams – Compass (

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter)

NAViGO have been appointed as the new provider of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in North East Lincolnshire from April 2023.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (

Take a workshop on low mood and depression. Workshops for Parents and Carers :: NAViGO (

Children with SEND are more likely than their peers to have issues with sleep.

Visit the Local Offer sleep page to find out what local support and training we offer as well as more useful links for children, teens, and parent carers.

NELC SEND Local Offer | Sleep (

Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

When you go through extremely difficult and challenging times in life, it can leave you with trauma which could leave you with certain triggers made during these difficult events which could make you feel like you’re back in those painful times as soon as you experience those triggers.

Sometimes we are able to ignore those painful experiences as a way of coping, but if we haven’t processed them properly, there is a high chance that those events could come back to the surface and knock you down without warning.

Where to get help

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter)

NAViGO have been appointed as the new provider of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in North East Lincolnshire from April 2023.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (

Self-harm has become increasingly common in the past few years amongst young people. It is often considered a reaction or coping strategy to another problem, such as anxiety, stress or feeling overwhelmed. It is also used as a way to express distress or as a “release” for difficult emotions. Unfortunately, this relief can be quickly followed by guilt, leading to an unhelpful cycle that can be really difficult to break out of.

If you are self-harming, it is important to speak to somebody you know and trust to help break the cycle and how you other ways to cope with difficult emotions, rather than self-harm.

Not every type of self-harm is the same, and it is important to not compare yourself to others. Some may act in cutting behaviours, others may control what they eat as a form of self-harm, and others use drugs or alcohol, or engage in some other form of harmful behaviour.

Where to get help

Compass Go

Compass GO provide support, help and advice for pupils, students and schools for issues related to emotional and mental health wellbeing.

Compass GO… North East Lincolnshire Mental Health Support Teams – Compass (

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter)

NAViGO have been appointed as the new provider of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in North East Lincolnshire from April 2023.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (

Take a workshop on self-harm. Workshops for Parents and Carers :: NAViGO (

Young people tell us that a main source of stress for them is pressure of exams and performing well in school – proving that you are not alone if this is something you are also struggling with! 

Everybody feels stress at some point in their lives. Most of the time, it is an understandable reaction to a situation they are in. However, if it carries on too long, it can become uncomfortable and disrupt our everyday life.

Where to get help

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter)

NAViGO have been appointed as the new provider of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in North East Lincolnshire from April 2023.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Young Minds Matter) :: NAViGO (