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February 2021

Help plan SEND services

Find more information on speaking up for yourself and others in the Humber to develop a big plan with Inclusion North. Inclusion North are working with the Humber Transforming Care […]

4 years ago | Children and young people
Adult and young adult on computer

Half-term lockdown activities

Read the full article from Parentkind – Lockdown Activity List to help keep children active during half-term. The Children and Families Minister, Vicky Ford MP, has launched the Lockdown Activity […]

4 years ago | News
children in a den

Tell us about your health visitor experience

Read this article and other North East Lincolnshire Council news on North East Lincolnshire Council’s news page. Parents who are familiar with the Council’s Health Visiting service will know that […]

4 years ago | News

Free PPE for private Personal Assistants

The North East Lincolnshire CCG are aware in North East Lincolnshire that a number of people performing services that would not normally require personal protective equipment (PPE) – masks, gloves, […]

4 years ago | News
stay at home image

SEND Weekly Update

This is your weekly SEND Update for 8-14 February. Top topics include tips to support your children to wind down or keep occupied when they come home from school, half […]

4 years ago | Newsletter

Online safety for professionals

For Safer Internet day you might like to read content from the NSPCC on online safety for children. There is using social media online including how to create a safe […]

4 years ago | News
person typing on laptop