9:27 am, Thursday, 11th February 2021
Healthwatch – Support during COVID for those doing tasks for friends and family
Healthwatch is offering a volunteer support service for those in the community who are giving support to a family member or friend. Healthwatch will provide volunteers who have been matched to perform agreed tasks for those in the community who are struggling to fully support others.
Healthwatch has a pool of volunteers to support in a number of roles. In order to access the service, an individual or professional (with the individual’s consent) will need to ring Healthwatch on 01472 361459. The person’s needs can be discussed and, if appropriate for this support, a referral form will be completed and the individual will be matched to a volunteer.
Healthwatch volunteers will be able to provide the following support:
Prescription collection – collection of prescription from pharmacy and delivered to the home. Social distancing will be adhered to and the volunteer will not enter an individual’s home; arrangements will be made with Healthwatch on an individual basis on how this will be managed.
Shopping Collection – The individual will collate their shopping list and payment for the volunteer (volunteer can be given an e-voucher). Shopping can be delivered safely to the individual’s home (adhering to current guidelines – the volunteer does not need to enter the home of the individual).
Other forms of support
If you require anything that is not listed, please contact Healthwatch to discuss requirements for support. Healthwatch is happy to discuss ways that volunteers can be utilized.
Healthwatch has experienced volunteers in the areas of Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Issues.
What can Healthwatch volunteers not help with?
Volunteers will not be able to provide personal care, any support within the home, or any service that needs to be carried out by qualified members of staff.
To make a referral for support please contact Tracy at Healthwatch on 01472 361459 or 07748 367218.