9:09 am, Tuesday, 19th January 2021
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: Have your say on our local services
North East Lincolnshire Council is once again consulting residents on the local provision of services for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
This is the second annual consultation since the 2018 SEND local area inspection and gives residents the opportunity to share their experiences of local SEND services and offer ideas on how to improve what is already on offer.
The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and covers key areas such as education, health, and care.
Councillor Ian Lindley, portfolio holder for children, education and young people at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “Our services are used by a lot of local people, all with different levels of need, and it’s vitally important that we shape our services around our users and constantly challenge ourselves to improve.
“Over the last year our local families will have had some very new and different experiences, and we want to capture a flavour of how these experiences have impacted how they use our services.
“This survey is open to children and young people and their parents and carers, and I would urge you to get involved if you have an experience of our SEND services.
“This is a valuable opportunity for you to really shape our services.”
The new SEND Local Offer website went live in December and is being launched on 25 January. This is a new, centralised hub of information for children and young people, parents and carers, and professionals.
To take part in the survey visit the ‘Have your say’ section and select the survey that applies to you as either a child/young person, or parent/carer.
If you need to speak to someone to give your views, ask any questions or need a paper copy of the survey please ring the SEND team on 01472 323166 or send an email to sen@nelincs.gov.uk.
The survey closes on 22 February.
You can also see this press release on North East Lincolnshire Council’s News Page.