1:13 pm, Friday, 2nd February 2024
SEND Newsletter- 2 February 2024
What will you create for our exciting new NEL wide art competition?
Children in North East Lincolnshire are being encouraged to enter their creative creations into a competition, with a chance to win a cash prize!
The work must follow one of the following themes:
- Life in Cleethorpes
- Life in Grimsby
- Life in Immingham
- Fun with family
And for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), there is an additional theme:
- Life in North East Lincolnshire as a young person with SEND
The deadline is Friday February 9.
Learn more: What will you create for our new competition? | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
SEND Awards
Nominations are now open!
The SEND Awards give children and young people a chance to shine.
It is also a chance to recognise the important work of the professionals who work every day to make sure children and young people with SEND are supported to achieve their full potential.
The awards cover 11 categories.
Children and Young people
- Community Award
- Creative Arts Award
- Sports Award
- Friendship Award
Education and Learning Award - Environment Award
- Student Personality of the Year Award
Adults and Organisations
- Inspiring Teacher Award
- Education Setting Award
- Special Recognition Award
- SEND Friendly Business or Organisation
Nominate someone, SEND Award nomination form.
SEND Friendly Theatre performance
Saturday 10 February, Birdhouse presents…Snug and Grub Catch a Bug! theatre show, 11.30am at Grimsby Town Hall for SEND audiences.
All tickets £5. Friends and family ticket £18 (5 people).
Don’t miss Snug and Grub Catch a Bug! – a wonderful puppet show by Garlic Theatre, coming up on Saturday 10 February at Grimsby Town Hall.
A spokesperson for Birdhouse said: “We’re delighted to be offering a quality show, especially for SEND audiences and their families from one of the country’s most reputable puppetry companies.
YPAG Group help to shape SENDAP Strategies
The YPAG Group gave their views on our three draft SEND Alternative provision strategies that have been open for public consultation.
14 students joined us from Healing Academy, Oasis Academy Immingham, Humberston Park School, John Whitgift, Franklin and Havelock.
They were asked adapted questions from the consultations on our vision statement, things like preparing for adulthood, developing independence, and inclusion and community at school.
What is voice telling us this month?
• Young people would like resources bases attached to their own mainstream school that offer flexibility and support. Some settings have small bases but pupils feel more are needed.
• Young people pre 16 are not actively involved in their EHCP planning or review. Post 16 they are invited to take part in the whole process and not just invited to the meeting for 5 mins.
Young people said:
• “Schools tend to think of children and young people with SEND as their own category of students, it isn’t equal.”
• “People with SEND might want the same things and opportunities as other mainstream students. We are treated differently and put all together for everything just because we need different support but it’s not always the same different support and doing that all the time makes us different.” E.g. after school clubs, excess to additional learning.
What difference have we made?
Feedback from YPAG during monthly meeting was:
• “Online meeting is OK but the YPAG trips are amazing. It’s great to be with people who feel the same about SEND”.
• “Thank you for the last trip. (Behind the scenes Parkway Cinema tour in December). It really lifted our spirits”.
• “I really enjoy being part of this group and sharing ideas and thinking of new things.”
• “I didn’t have a place before now to share my thoughts about SEND for me and for other people. I really look forward to the group. I’d like to talk to the managers at the council too”.
SPACE Forum takes off!
On Tuesday 16 January the Settings Parents and Carers for Education (SPACE) Forum officially launched.
Karen Hoe from Autism Central gave an overview of her role and the training and support parent carers can access.
The NELPCF introduced themselves and how they can support not only parent carers but also settings.
Jack a speaker who shares his experience as an individual living with Autism introduced himself and will be the guest speaker at the Forum on the Tuesday 9 February 2024.
Parent carers chose upcoming themes and requested a range of support, see what they got.
NELC SEND Local Offer | SPACE Forum takes off – NELC SEND Local Offer (nelincs.gov.uk)
Free Maternal Wellbeing Service
We are a free, friendly Maternal Wellbeing Service that can support women with their wellbeing throughout their journey to motherhood.
We help support mothers wanting to conceive, those who are pregnant and post-birth up to the infants first birthday (after this date would be a normal referral to the wellbeing service).
We provide the opportunity, time and space to talk. We can support with low mood, anxiety, stress management, confidence, self-esteem, daily routine and finding focus in life.
Learn more:
SEND Parent advocacy course
Bringing Us Together is bringing together a team of trainers, including those with lived experience of peer advocacy, for a series of free online workshops. These workshops are designed for Yorkshire and Humber families and parents/carers.
The workshops are welcoming, supportive and informative. Open to any parent/carer or family member with an autistic child and/or a young person with a learning disability.
- Thursday 6 February, 7-9:30pm – Getting to know one another
- Thursday 20 February, 7-9:30pm – Children’s Rights and Human Rights
- Thursday 5 March, 7-9:30pm – Different type of advocacy
- Thursday 19 March, 7-9:30pm – Working together for children and young people
- Thursday 2 April, 7-9:30pm – Person-centred planning
It is recommended that you attend all 5 workshops. If you are unable to attend all of the sessions, a recording will be sent to you.
To book a place, please contact karen@bringingustogether.org.uk. For more information, please contact katie@bringingustogether.org.uk.
Peer Support Sessions
Join a series of free daytime workshops and evening peer support sessions bringing together disabled people, family members and carers.
How does having to deal with ‘the system’ affect your mental and physical health?
Join Bringing Us Together and our community of people who understand and who “get it”. Parents and disabled people tell us that they have learned so much from sharing with others who know what they are going through.
We would so appreciate you sharing these flyers for us with your networks.
For more information do get in touch with karen@bringingustogether.org.uk
Do you visit libraries regularly?
North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC)are asking your views on what our local Lincs Inspire libraries and archives facilities are like. This includes the libraries: Grimsby Central Library, Cleethorpes Library, Waltham Library and Immingham Library, and the local Public Archive Service at the Grimsby Town Hall.
We want to find out from you what you think about our libraries and archives, what you use them for and how we can make them even better for you and your family. You can complete this survey by visiting until 22 March 2024: https://tell-us.questionpro.eu/LibraryArchives