7:00 am, Friday, 4th August 2023
SEND Good News Story- Parent carer meetings prove successful
During Covid parent carers asked for a new way to stay connected and informed outside of their regular routines.
At this time a regular Wednesday parent carer meeting rolled out online.
This brought together representatives from education, health and social care, parent carers including the parent carer forum at the time, and guest speakers.
Discussions from the group were so important that a weekly newsletter was launched to share the content that was being asked, and answered so other parents could benefit from the insight.
This group continues with the new parent carer forum, NELPCF.
The meetings have been a great platform to share information, insight and ideas.
This is a part of the Council’s dedication to coproduction and engagement. We are able to see a broader range of parent carers views fed from the parent carer forum who influence the themes of the meetings.
As well as regular updates from education, health and social care, guest speakers requested by parents include:
- SEND Support in Education settings
- Wed 17 May Navigo Update
- Wed 24 May Emotional based school avoidance and exclusions
- Wed 31 May Half Term
- Wed 7 June EHCP Process
- Wed 14 June Short breaks and respite
- Wed 21 June Parks, recreational spaces and Changing Places personal care facilities
- Wed 28 June Neurodiversity/Access pathway and gaps in health support
- Wed 5 July NELC SEND Local Offer | Delivering Better Value in SEND (nelincs.gov.uk)
- Wed 19 July Rebecca Wilson Holiday Activity Food (HAF)
As the parent carer forum continue to attend several community events, host drop-ins, and reach out to the community in other ways the meetings will be held biweekly from September.
If you would like to get involved, please contact sendlocaloffer@nelincs.gov.uk.
Find out more about engagement and coproduction with the Council- NELC SEND Local Offer | Have your say (nelincs.gov.uk)