1:13 pm, Wednesday, 20th March 2024

Professionals upskill to support children’s communication

Professionals from around the borough came together to learn from the Intensive Interaction training course this March.

Intensive Interaction is an approach to teaching the pre-speech fundamentals of communication to children and adults who have severe learning difficulties and/or autism who are still at an early stage of communication development.

The approach was developed during the 1980’s by the team of staff working at Harperbury Hospital School in Hereforshire.

Facilitated by the Intensive Interaction Institute, the course provides a detailed introduction into the fundamentals of the Intensive Interaction communication model.

The course covered:

  • What is intensive interaction?
  • Who is it for?
  • The fundamentals of communication
  • Techniques of Intensive Interaction
  • Dual aspect process model
  • How progress occurs
  • Record Keeping

Two dates were offered in order to capture as many people as possible.

Take up was high with 173 individuals attending from Early Years Settings, health teams and services, Family Hubs, and wider education.

These are all individuals working with families and children who now have a greater skillset and knowledge to support children with their communication.