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AET Progression Framework

Grimsby Town Hall- Lounge Bar Town Hall Square, Grimsby, United Kingdom

Gain an overview of the Autism Education Trust (AET ) Autism Progression Framework 2.0, a progress tracking tool available from the AET website. You will learn Learn about key features […]


Autism and Exclusions

Grimsby Town Hall- Lounge Bar Town Hall Square, Grimsby, United Kingdom

Understand the key causes of autistic pupils being excluded from school and how teaching staff can prevent exclusion occurring. You will also learn to provide support for the pupil’s successful […]


Makaton Level 1

Grimsby Town Hall- Lounge Bar Town Hall Square, Grimsby, United Kingdom

Today over 100,000 children and adults use Makaton symbols and signs, either as their main method of communication or as a way to support speech. Meet your trainer My name […]



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