9:41 am, Thursday, 14th April 2022
Young Inspectors
Would you like to inspect and advise on how the local council could make their services more young person friendly?
Would you like to make a difference to young people in your community?
North East Lincolnshire are now recruiting ‘Young Inspectors’ – young people who inspect services delivered to children and young people, providing advice and recommendations on how those services can improve
This would mean you would be trained as Young Advisors, and become a part of the national charity network — as well as taking part in local projects to make a difference to your community.
This would also involve carrying out important research, whether that be questionnaires, focus groups or interviews, within sectors of the local authority council to gain a young person’s perspective to help develop the service to be the best it can possibly be.
This opportunity would also be a fantastic chance to gain all important skills such as leadership and confidence.
Are you aged between 13 and 19 (up to 25 if you have SEN) and this sounds up your street? Contact Pippa for more information on 07584150229 or pippa.curtin@nelincs.gov.uk.
Download the Young Inspectors Flyer (PDF, 325KB) .