Young Carers
They are children and young people of any age who have a family member with an illness, medical condition or disability. They may look after or help look after their parent, brother, sister or Grandparent or other family member.
Find out more information about activities and groups for young carers, other services for support, Children’s Rights and how to have your voice heard.
Young Carers may help out in many different ways such as:
- Doing housework
- Going shopping
- Keeping someone company
- Helping someone get dressed
or washed - Listening to someone or
cheering them up
Carers Support Service
The North East Lincolnshire Carers’ Support Service can provide Young Carers with information and advice and refer Young Carers directly to the Young Carers Team.
Young Carers – Carers Support Service (
Young Carers Team North East Lincolnshire
People in the Young Carers Project can enjoy activities with other young people like them, learn about Children’s Rights and have someone to speak on their behalf, participate in fun activities and have time for themselves.
Young people said they can:
Read the Young Carers leaflet:
Carers Guide 2016 A5 V4 (
LiveWell wellbeing service
Find support for your emotional wellbeing, people like you to talk to and more services for support.
Young Carers – LiveWell (
Support information for young carers from the NHS
Help for young carers – Social care and support guide – NHS (
Having your voice heard by social care
If you are aged 16-25 you can join Youth Healthwatch to make sure your views are shared with leads in health and social care services.
Youth Healthwatch | Healthwatch (