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Transforming Care Programme

What is the Transforming Care Programme?

The Humber Transforming Care Programme covers the East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire and aims to ensure that individuals with a diagnosed Learning Disability (LD) and Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) are supported within the local communities, to avoid unnecessary in-patient mental health admissions.

The Transforming Care Programme is a national priority that focuses on improving services for children and young people with learning disabilities, autism or both, and who also have challenging behaviour or mental health conditions.

What are the aims of the Transforming Care Programme?

  • Children and young people are supported to have a good quality of life, are treated with respect and feel at home in their local community
  • Children and young people should be kept safe but at the same time be supported to take positive risks
  • Children and young people should have choice and control over their lives
  • Children and young people’s support should be provided in the least restrictive way
  • Children and young people should get equal health outcomes to the rest of the population

We are committed to making sure children and young people with learning disabilities, autism or both have the right to the same opportunities as anyone else.

To do this we need to make services in the community better, this will mean that children and young people will be able to get their health care at home or near to where you live.

The Dynamic support register is used to identify, review and monitor children, young people and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism who are at risk of admission to a specialist learning disability or mental health hospital. The DSR is held by the Admission Avoidance Hub which sits within East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group. The DSR is jointly managed by the Dynamic Support Register Network group which is made up of representatives from the Health, the Local Authority and Education. The DSR Network group In line with the provisions of both The Children and Families Act 2014 and The Care Act 2014, which focus on outcomes, personalisation and wellbeing focuses on strengthening support in the community by building on the provision of preventative support that will avoid crises and enable people to live as independently as possible with the right level of care out of a hospital environment and will have oversight of the register and provide accountability and support to case workers in relation to planning care. The group forms part of the Transforming Care Partnership and will have responsibility for ensuring an awareness of all individuals on the DSR and to regularly review and monitor care and treatment provided.

Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews have been taking place since 2015 with the aim of avoiding un-necessary inpatient admissions by seeking alternative solutions to meet an individual’s needs. Where an admission is appropriate, a CTR/CETR will test and challenge the care people receive in hospital by asking key questions and making recommendations that lead to improvements in safety, care and treatment. CTRs/CETRs aim to reduce the amount of time people spend in hospital by identifying any barriers which can keep people in hospital longer than necessary. They do this by helping to improve current and future care planning, including plans for leaving hospital. CTRs/CETR’s bring together those responsible for commissioning and providing services for individuals alongside independent clinical opinion and lived experience.

CETR’s are driven by the NHS but the involvement of local authorities and education services in the CETR process and its outcomes is integral to improving care, education and treatment for children and young people with learning disabilities, autism or both and their families.

The hospital passport aims to provide important information about a person’s needs and wishes.

It should also include how they should be cared for when attending the hospital for an appointment or hospital stay. The passport is not designed to hold all the information about a person.

It should have enough information to make sure hospital staff are able to communicate with the person well and help them to feel safe, comfortable, and understood.

Download your personal hospital passport. Health and Wellbeing – Humber TCP

Contact details

Joanne Pannhausen – Admission Avoidance Manager – Children and Young people (East Riding of Yorkshire CCG)


Useful Links

NHS England » Transforming Care Partnerships

Humber Transforming Care Partnership (TCP) – Hull CCG

NHS England » Care and Treatment Reviews

NHS England » Children and young people