5:40 pm, Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Teaching School Hub update
Our Provision for 2022/2023
Please find attached our Professional Development Programme for 2022/2023, which shares our vision, mission, core values and a summary of our impact so far. With the support of our regionally represented Partnership Board, and the training needs analysis carried out and analysed by KYRA Research School last year, I am delighted to share key highlights of our provision this year with you.
Access the DRET Teaching School Hub PD Programme 2022/2023
North and North East Lincolnshire Evidence Hub and the Early Literacy Programme
This academic year marks the official launch of our role as North and North East Lincolnshire Evidence Hub in partnership with KYRA Research School. This key development will support school leaders in making evidence-informed decisions and accessing the best available research to inform key areas of school improvement.
DRET Teaching Hub – KYRA Evidence Hub (dretteachingschoolhub.co.uk)
The Early Literacy Programme led by KYRA Research School this year is in response to several schools across the region sharing literacy as a key area of priority for them, particularly in Early Years and Key Stage 1. We are in the final stages of registrations for this programme and places are limited, so please do contact us by Friday 23rd September to register your interest.
DRET Teaching Hub – Early Literacy Project (dretteachingschoolhub.co.uk)
Early Career Teacher Enhancement Programmes
To further support schools with Early Career induction, we will deliver two key programmes to support colleagues in the early stages of their career and build their knowledge and expertise in two key areas identified as a result of ongoing feedback.
Our SEND and Inclusion Programme aims to provide ECTs with a foundational understanding of what it means to be a proficient teacher of SEND. Delivered in partnership with LEARN Teaching Centre, this programme will support teachers in the early stages of their career (up to +4 years) so that they can engage with the research and recommendations made to support pupils with SEND.
DRET Teaching Hub – Send and Inclusion Enhancement Programme (dretteachingschoolhub.co.uk)
Our Introduction to Early Years Programme is an exciting development for the Teaching School Hub, aimed to support primary colleagues with a foundational understanding of EYFS. Delivered by nationally recognised experts Claire Tyrrell-Smith and Helen Savage, this programme aims to equip ECTs with the knowledge and expertise of what it means to be an EYFS practitioner.
DRET Teaching Hub – Introduction to Early Years Programme (dretteachingschoolhub.co.uk)
Early Career Teacher Maths Pilot Programme
Keen to contribute to the continual development of the Early Career Programme, The Teaching School Hub will work in partnership with Ambition Institute this year to deliver the ECT Maths Pilot Programme, a national pilot study running over the next two years for ECT Maths teachers and their mentors. The pilot aims to establish whether a tailored, subject-specific version of the core ECT Programme is effective. All schools participating in the programme will be invited to periodic briefings where we will share our findings so far, and will also receive formal acknowledgement in the final evaluation report to be shared across the sector.
We will continue to provide updates to the region about this innovative pilot programme, and look forward to welcoming the pilot cohort this term. If you do have a Year 1 Maths ECT (secondary) in your setting and would like them to participate, please do contact us at the Teaching School Hub before 13th September deadline.
DRET Teaching Hub – Early Career Teacher Maths Pilot (dretteachingschoolhub.co.uk)
Scholarship funding for reformed National Professional Qualifications
Last year, we were privileged to support over 200 school leaders to embark in the study of one of the reformed National Professional Qualifications (NPQs). This Autumn marks the introduction of two new NPQs to further support colleagues in developing specialist or leadership knowledge and expertise: the NPQ Leading Literacy (NPQLL) and NPQ Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) will support colleagues in key areas of school improvement and leadership.
As part of the government’s long-term education recovery plan, it was announced in May 2022 that funding for fully funded NPQ training scholarships will be available in academic years 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024, with additional funding available to state-funded schools and state-funded 16 to 19 educational settings with 1 to 600 pupils, who will be paid £200 for each teacher or leader they employ who takes an NPQ. This continued financial support from the Department of Education means that school leaders can continue to strategically plan professional development and support colleagues in their development, leading to improved outcomes for pupils in our communities.
DRET Teaching Hub – Home (dretteachingschoolhub.co.uk)
To enquire about any of these programmes, please contact us directly at teachingschoolhub@dret.co.uk or visit www.dretteachingschoolhub.co.uk and we look forward to working with you over the coming year.