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SEND Parent Carer meetings

The SEND Parent Carer meetings are held twice a month during term time.

These meetings bring together your local parent carer forum, NELPCF, professionals from education, health and social care and guest speakers from around the borough to work with us on important topics that have been highlighted by NELPCF and the parents that engage with them.

The purpose of this group is for families of children and young people with SEND to have involvement in meaningfully working together with local leaders of SEND to co-produce the education, health and care information, advice, guidance and services that they need.

Learn more about the parent carer forum NELPCF.

2024/2025 dates, topics, and guest speakers

11 September 2024
Annemarie Cook Preparation for Adulthood

25 September 2024
No meeting this week- NELPCF public event

9 October 2024
Nikki Lambert EHCP Stats

6 November 2024
Laura Lockett Compass Go – Mental Health

20 November 2024
Sarah Bailey, Dental services

4 December 12 2024
Helen Norris & Vicky Birkwood, Delivering Better Value in SEND

18 December 2024
No Guest Speaker- Update opportunities PCF, Health and Social Care

Anyone is invited to join. If you would like to get involved please contact Lauren Thompson, SEND Local Offer Engagement Coordinator and Communications Officer at

Read the Terms of Reference Read the NE Lincs SEND weekly parent/carer meeting Terms of Reference (PDF, 354 KB) .