10:45 am, Tuesday, 21st November 2023

SEND Newsletter- Tuesday 21 November 2023

Early Years workshops for parent carers

Book your place on an Early Years workshop.

Note: you do not need an access code to book a place, if you see a box asking for a promo code please ignore it, you will be able to continue with your booking.

Please check back to the Local Offer for new topics next term.

Please note, the content of these workshops is specifically for families in England with children aged 0 to 5. If your child is older or you don’t live in England you may find it more useful to visit  Help For Families or contact our helpline.

If you have any questions please contact Mary Mulvey-Oates, Project Manager at 07421451696.

NEXT WEEK: SEND Employment Forum Launch

We’ve been working hard to grow our supported internships offer. Part of this work is the launch of the new SEND Employment Forum.

There is a new page on the SEND Local Offer for organisations to learn what goes into a supported internship or supported employment and the benefits for both organisations and their new recruits.

NELC SEND Local Offer | SEND for employers and organisations – NELC SEND Local Offer (nelincs.gov.uk)

Become a forward thinking business, join the forum on Wednesday 29 November from 8:30am-12pm at 155-159 Freeman Street, Grimsby, DN32 7AR (Learning4Life building).

The Trin

Did you know that the Trin has inclusive sessions? Join inclusive football for children and young people with SEND and additional needs. Wednesday 5-6pm at The Trin Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 8UN.

Book your place: The Trin | Cleethorpes Community Sports and Education (ccse.org.uk)

Creative Schools Pilot Programme launched this month

An exciting new six-month programme between local creative talent and community groups and schools started this month.

Funded through Create North East Lincolnshire, with the support of five local creatives working in various media, including mixed media and textiles, illustration, graphic design, music and theatre have been paired up with local schools and youth clubs to help engage young people in the creative sector.

Read more about this exciting project: Creative Schools Pilot Programme launched this month | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)

Carers Support Centre events

Peer support group for young adult carers

There’s a new peer support group for young adult carers aged 18-25. The group will meet on the last Friday of every month from 2-4pm.

Join the first meeting on Friday 26 January 2024 to let them know what you’d like the group to look like.

  • Phone: 01472 242277
  • Carers Support Centre, 1 Town Hall Square, Grimsby

Carers’ Voice hospital guide launch event

Come along and join us for the launch event of our new Hospital Guide. Designed by the Carers’ Voice Forum, the guide has been created to support anyone looking after a loved one who has a stay in hospital.

Friday 24 November from 10am-2pm at Carers Support Centre, 1 Town Hall Square, Grimsby. Open to all. Refreshments provided.

Healthy parent carers

If you’re the parent/carer of a child with additional needs or a disability and would like to take positive action to improve your health and wellbeing, the Community of Experience may have a free course for you.

Healthy Parent Carers is a 12 week (two hour, group based) online programme. It is created by parent carers, delivered by parent carers and is for parent carers.

They are enrolling people for their January cohort.

If you’d like to be considered for these courses email communityofexperience@kids.org.uk or call 01482 467540.

Free welfare & benefits advice

There are ongoing, free welfare and benefits advice sessions. Get support to complete forms, understand your entitlements and learn about unclaimed benefits including PIP and DLA.

Tuesday from 1-3pm at:
East Marsh United,
Kitchen Table, Courtyard
Freeman Street Market,
DN32 7DS

Wednesday from 10am-1pm at:
West Marsh Community Centre,
Beeson Street,
DN31 2QH

Friday 11am-2pm at:
HEY Credit Union Office, Courtyard
Freeman Street Market,
DN32 7DS

For more information or to book a free appointment contact Community Connector Nicola at: Nicola.Stephenson@NSPCC.org.uk.

Share your views- Activities for kids with SEND/SEMH

CLIMB 4 Limited are doing some research about what kind of activities they could deliver for those young people with SEND/SEMH needs age 11-25.

Young people, parent carers, and professionals are all invited to share their views.

RESPECT SEND & SEMH Youth Activities Survey Age 11-25 (surveymonkey.co.uk)

Parent cafe

Did you know the NSPCC’s Together for Childhood team run weekly parent cafe’s on both the East and the West Marsh in Grimsby?

Wednesdays, 1pm – 2pm at the Grimsby in Bloom Cafe, Duke of York Gardens.

Thursdays. 1.30pm – 2.30pm at The Canopy, Grant Thorold Park.

EHCP Annual Review

Is your child’s EHCP Annual Review coming up? Remember what you can do to prepare for an Annual Review. You and your child should look through their EHCP. Write down any questions that you want to discuss at the meeting. Encourage you child to share their voice. Use the online EHCP Feedback Form after the meeting so that we can continue to improve. The feedback form asks things like:

  • I understand what an annual review meeting is and why it is important to me/my child.
  • I was given enough time and help to decide what I wanted to say at the meeting.
  • I felt confident to say what I wanted.

EHCP Annual Review feedback| QuestionPro Survey

Preparing for adulthood- Ask Annie

Email: askannie@nelincs.gov.uk

Text: 07595 122306

Are you a young person with Special Educational Needs?

Do you have any questions about post 16 education, training and employment or do you want to know more about preparing for adulthood?

You can always “Ask Annie” about…

  • Planning for the future
  • Employment
  • Transport
  • Leaving school & starting college
  • Daytime activities
  • Health
  • Training & work experience
  • Living independently

Find out more about preparing for adulthood and transitions. NELC SEND Local Offer | Preparing for adulthood (nelincs.gov.uk)

Your Parent Carer Forum- NELPCF

NELPCF is a collective group of parents passionate about driving positive change, we have come together to rebuild a Parent Carer Forum. Our aim is to be a true representation of the voices of parent carers of children with additional needs and disabilities. We strive to have a positive impact on the planning and provision of services and decision making for the families of North East Lincolnshire- now, and in the future.

Find out more about the forum and how to get involved by visiting their Facebook North East Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum | Grimsby | Facebook, or the NELPCF website.


SENDIASS provide support for SEND, across education, health and social care.


Sendiass North East Lincolnshire | Facebook

Call- 01472 326363
Email- ask@nelsendiass.org.uk
SENDIASS website

To receive this newsletter by email please contact lauren.thompson2@nelincs.gov.uk.

If you have questions about SEND we are always here to help. Please don’t hesitate to email sen@nelincs.gov.uk. We always try to make sure that children and parents/ carers voices are heard.

These Weekly SEND parent/carer newsletters are shared with teams within education, health and social care as well as parents/carers SENCOs, the DfE and local charities.

If parents/carers or young people over 16 do not have access to the internet or if they prefer to receive paper copies only please contact sen@nelincs.gov.uk.