3:05 pm, Wednesday, 25th November 2020
Parent/Carer SEND Newsletter 18 November 2020
This week in NE Lincs
In NE Lincs this week the combined Primary and Secondary Attendance is 83.5% compared with 85.1% nationally.
NE Lincs SEND team are making phone calls to those families who have a child with an EHCP who are not in a school/education setting at present because the child is shielding or self-isolating.
These phone calls are to enquire how families feel their child’s educations is working out during this period and to offer any information, advice and guidance on educational support or any aspect with which the family is concerned, including accessing food, medicine and help.
The feedback from these calls so far has been very positive. Information for parents about these phone calls have been shared on various Facebook platforms, including NELPPF, Families First and SENDIASS.
For more information on EHCP education and support calls please contact siobhan.hardy@nelincs.gov.uk
If parents/carers have any questions about Covid and their child’s education, they can complete the COVID-19: School queries form and someone will get back to them as soon as possible.
Early Years Update
Do you have a 2, 3 or 4 year old in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)?
Did you know you could be eligible for additional support for your child’s early learning?
- a 2 year old who gets DLA is eligible for up to 15 hours free childcare
- a 3 & 4 year old who gets DLA and is attending a setting for their 15 hours free childcare can get an extra £615 per year to support their early learning (not available to those in reception classes).
Ask Families First for more details 01472 326292 Option 1.
This month there has been a drop in the number of EHCPs issued within the statutory timescale of 20 weeks due to the Educational Psychologist Team either not being able to access the family or due to the child not being in school. Any affected parents/carers will be made aware of the delay by their EHCP Co-ordinator.
Some parents/carers may also have seen a delay in their annual review paperwork being issued or may be concerned that the paperwork has been sent to them and they have not have the opportunity to reply in time before the EHCP is finalised.
The SENART team would like to reassure parents/carers that if a timescale is missed by families it is never too late to make changes as they can still appeal a decision, and the LA will consider it.
If parents/carers have been sent information via email that they cannot open/access, please call 01472 323041 and we will make alternative arrangements to get the information to you.
If you do have any questions about Education, Health and Care Plans please do email SEN@nelincs.gov.uk or contact our Lead EHCP co-ordinator Nikki Lambert by phone on 01472 323041.
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs Disability Information Advice Support Service) provides free impartial information, advice and support to disabled children and young people aged 0-25, and those with SEN, through their parents and carers. Young people aged 16+ can have support in their own right. Our service is open Monday to Thursday 8.30am until 4.30pm and Friday 8am – 4pm. We are working remotely at the moment but we will answer your call within 3 days if you leave a message or you can email us on nelincs@barnardos.org.uk, or you can also follow us on Facebook.
SENDIASS have received enquiries this week from parents who have received information from health services advising on Educational Psychologist. Some of this information has not been correct. If schools or parents have concerns about this they can contact Sarah Harding direct on designatedclinicalofficer@nelincs.gov.uk and Sarah is happy to support on an individual basis.
SENDIASS has seen an increase in enquiries from parents whose children are at risk of exclusion. The Local Authority has seen a high number of fixed term and permanent exclusions this term and are working with the schools and academies around this.
If parents have concerns, they can contact Clare Linfitt clare.linfitt@nelincs.gov.uk or Jennifer Steel on Jennifer.steel@nelincs.gov.uk who will always try to ensure that parents/carers, children and young people’s voices are being heard.
NELPPF is a collective voice for parents and carer’s in North East Lincolnshire, offering guidance and support for families of children and young people aged 0 to 25 years with SEND. Their General Advice Line is: 07583474892.
If parents and have any queries or have any health queries, please email designatedclinicalofficer@nelincs.gov.uk
Local Offer
On our Local Offer there is a section called ‘Celebrating children and young people’. We would really like good news stories to be added so we can share the positives of SEND within our local area.
Please email siobhan.hardy@nelincs.gov.uk if you have a good news story to share.
We have some amazing children and young people who have achieved great steps. Their voices need to be heard so that they too can inspire others.
Ofsted Interim Inspections
Information has been received from the DfE with Interim Inspection Dates of 8 December and 2 February. These inspections will be held virtually. The focus for the 8 December will be on Co-production and the Access Pathway, further details to follow.
If you would like any information on SEND Local Area visits, please contact Rebecca.Taylor@nelincs.gov.uk
Future meetings / Newsletters
These weekly SEND parent/carer newsletters are shared with teams within education, health and social care as well as parents/carers SENCOs, the DfE and local charities.
If you would like to be added to the weekly emailing list to receive these newsletters direct, please contact siobhan.hardy@nelincs.gov.uk.
If anyone would like to be involved in the weekly meetings, you are most welcome and can contact clare.linfitt@nelincs.gov.uk for more information.