1:17 pm, Friday, 10th March 2023
SEND Newsletter- Friday 10 2023
Parent Carer Forum launch March 23
Is it in your diary?
Join the North East Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum (NELPCF) for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25.
The event is held on Thursday 23 March from 9:30am-12pm at Grimsby Town Hall, Town Hall Square, DN31 1HU.
Meet local services and professionals, find out about the important work the forum do and see how you can be involved.
NELC SEND Local Offer | You’re invited! Parent Carer Forum launch event (nelincs.gov.uk)
SEND Awards
There’s not long left to nominate! The nominations for the SEND Awards close on April 21.
Make sure to take your chance to recognise a local child or young person with SEND, their school, or someone who has done a great job at providing support.
It’s a wonderful thing to be nominated and only takes a minute. Send through as many nominations as you like.
We know there’s lots of great things going on locally that deserve to be mentioned so make sure to tell us all about it.
SEND Award nomination form- | QuestionPro Survey
Inclusive activities
Help us to make local activities (universal services) more inclusive.
There’s no reason any child should miss out on learning new things, having fun, making friends, and developing their confidence and independence through these important, and fun, life experiences.
Without the knowledge and understanding of what works and what needs to be different we can’t improve so please respond to this short feedback form.
Share your insight on inclusive activities
Some things we have heard include:
‘Having information on their website including pictures and videos of the area to show where parking is, who their staff are, and just become more familiar with the space before turning up.’
‘It would be good to know if they had a low sensory zone, i.e. a room close to the main activity area in case the child needs a quiet space.’
‘Better communication about changes to their service. For example, a child who follows a regular routine needs to know if the instructor changes, or if there are changes to the regular schedule or setting.”
“Knowing that they can bring their own ‘towel’, ‘sensory toys’, ‘security blanket’, ‘ear defenders’.”
“Specific SEND Sessions with smaller groups for a quieter atmosphere through planned, reduced bookings.”
We would like to create a document to share with local activity providers letting them know how they can be more inclusive to children with SEND. We will also work with activity providers directly. This way, we can put more detailed information on the Local Offer about the ways in which they are inclusive to help you to decide if they can meet your child’s needs.
Opportunity to have your say
Did you know that you can be involved in the Preparation for Adulthood, Autism Strategy, and Learning Disabilities Partnership projects?
These are separate pieces of engagement work that parent carers and children and young people are invited to participate in.
Having the insight and experience of the people at the centre of this work really helps to make it the best it can be.
Contact Angie Kershaw for more information at angie.kershaw1@nhs.net.
Yarborough event
As part of our ongoing engagement with the community we attended our second SEND Event at Yarborough Academy organised by the school SENCo, Laura Walton.
Abi Fleming SEND Parent Engagement Champion and Lauren Thompson SEND Local Offer Engagement Coordinator and Communications Officer attended the event along with other services such as the EBBSA Support Team and Sleep service.
Parent carers said: “Thank you for the information [on the sensory and calm solutions training]. It looks great and I will book on.”
This training is free but places are limited to make sure to secure your place.
Understanding Sensory Processing Workshops | Eventbrite
Calm Solutions to Emotional Situations Workshops | Eventbrite
“I could do with a parent support group for ADHD.”
Join the Young Minds Matter ADHD parent support group on the last Friday of the month.
Parent Support Group :: Young Minds Matter (lpft.nhs.uk)
“I could do with some support for my wellbeing.”
We often hear from parent carers about that it can be challenging to continue to care for yourself while caring for a child with SEND. We’ve added the free Wellbeing Service to the ‘Support for yourself’ section of the Local Offer. The Wellbeing Service.
Check back to the Local Offer for more training and events like this. NELC SEND Local Offer | Events and training
Coming up! Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Training
Parent carers and professionals are invited to book onto the Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Training on March 16.
Local parent carer, Courtney, also attends the session to share her first-hand insight as a parent carer of a child with FASD.
Learn more about FASD on the Local Offer.
NELC SEND Local Offer | Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) (nelincs.gov.uk)
EHCP Annual Review
Is your EHCP Annual Review coming up?
To get the most out of the short session, make sure that you and your child look at their plan before the review. Contact your coordinator or view it online on the EHC Hub.
After your review, please consider completing the EHCP Annual Review feedback form.
It asks you things like: “I felt I had enough time, I felt listened to and my ideas helped decide what happens next, I think that this meeting will help prepare me for the next part of life (e.g. new school year, college or employment etc.).’
It’s a short form, but really helps us to make sure what we are offering you is a productive and positive session that you and your child both benefit from.
EHCP Annual Survey Review | QuestionPro Survey
Sign up for the Makaton Training. It’s a great skill to learn to aid communication. It has been enjoyed by local parent carers, volunteers, and professionals.
See some of the upcoming dates for Level 1 and 2.
NELC SEND Local Offer | Makaton in the Community Level 1 (nelincs.gov.uk)
NELC SEND Local Offer | Makaton Level 1 (nelincs.gov.uk)
NELC SEND Local Offer | Makaton in the Community Level 2 (nelincs.gov.uk)
SENDIASS Wait times extended
SENDIASS provide support for SEND, across education, health and social care.
SENDIASS continue to take a high volume of referrals. They are currently training newly recruited staff in order to continue to provide the best support to local families moving forward.
As a result, their wait time has temporarily extended to 5-10 days. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Contact provide a national line for support.
Contact – for families with disabled children | Contact
You may also find answers to your questions on IPSEA or the Local Offer.
(IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice
NELC SEND Local Offer | Home (nelincs.gov.uk)
Sendiass North East Lincolnshire | Facebook
Call- 01472 326363
Email- ask@nelsendiass.org.uk
SENDIASS website