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SEND Local Offer Working Group

The SEND Local Offer Working Group is a group dedicated to improving the Local Offer website. It brings together parent carers, professionals, and children and young people.

This is in line with the SEND Code of practice that says:

4.7 The Local Offer should be:

“collaborative: local authorities must involve parents, children and young
people in developing and reviewing the Local Offer. They must also
co-operate with those providing services”

SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years – GOV.UK (

The first SEND Local Offer Working Group was held on 26 April, 2023, at Grimsby Town Hall.

The first group was led by a presentation and tour of the Local Offer in order to give everyone a broad understanding of the Local Offer website. Feedback from the group was collected through Mentimenter to understand how people used the Local Offer, what their pain points were, and how it could be improved. Discussions were led by the group based on what was relevant to them and feedback was also collected in writing for anything that couldn’t be captured through discussions or Mentimeter.

A formal structure was established for the group deciding to:

  • Meet face to face
  • Meet quarterly
  • Have a Terms of Reference
  • Results published online on the SEND Local Offer (this page)
  • Feed into and, and include, wider engagement work in our borough




Look at the presentation and feedback from the event. SEND Local Offer Working Group presentation 26 April 2023 (1 MB, PDF)