3:22 pm, Friday, 19th November 2021

SEND Banding Review

What are we doing?

We are taking a look at our local area SEND banding to see what is working well and what needs to change. We are working together with parents/carers and professionals from education, health and social care to carry out this review and implement change.

Why are we doing this?

Our SEND Banding has stayed the same since 2015. There may be alterations that could be made that would help improve provision and outcomes for children and young people with SEND?

What does NE Lincs SEND Banding look like at the moment?

Currently, we have banding descriptors that suggest a range of needs that children and young people may be presenting with. The SEND panels work with education settings to decide which set of banding best describes a child or young persons needs. For each banding descriptor there is an associated amount of high needs top-up funding that is allocated to a learner’s setting through their Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

What are some examples of changes that may be considered?

Some people have suggested that rather than one fixed sum of funding , finance could be provided in line which the specific needs of each pupil and the cost (e.g. 3 x speech and language sessions costing £X, as well as 5 mornings of TA support costing, £X).

Another suggestion is that the banding descriptors should include the interventions that should be offered at each stage in a graduated approach. Also suggested has been that education settings are monitored by each other to check and challenge how SEND funding is being spent and how well outcomes for learners are being achieved.

How can I get involved in working together on the Banding Review?

If you are a parent/carer contact Lauren.Thompson@nelincs.gov.uk to join our Banding Review parent/carer focus group or tell us your comments and ideas through our SEND Banding Review survey.

If you are a SENCO or teacher, headteacher, principle or governor or health or social care professional contact Rebecca.Taylor@nelincs.gov.uk to register your interest or look out for the planned SEND Banding Review events in our SEND Newsletter.