3:17 pm, Friday, 18th June 2021
SEND weekly parent/carer update
This is the SEND weekly parent/carer update for 21-27 June. This week:
Covid-19 in North East Lincolnshire
There has been a significant increase in confirmed cases of Covid-19 in North East Lincolnshire.
Please continue to follow the ‘hands, face, space’ precautions.
If you or someone you’ve been in close contact with tests positive for the virus you need to self-isolate for ten days.
When you are invited to, you should get both doses of the vaccine.
Visit a local drop-in clinics for the vaccine.
Supported Internships
A Supported Internship is a study programme that includes extensive on-the-job training and works well for people with learning disabilities.
There are many benefits on top of develop work skills for young people including building confidence and soft skills like team working, there are opportunities to form relationships at work, interact with members of the public and contribute to the community. This has a positive impact on wellbeing.
The Supported Internships are for youngsters in full time education that have an Education, Health and Care Plan. They are being developed in a partnership Care Plus Group’s Employability Services and local colleges.
The internships will help young people achieve their aspirations and offer them a pathway to paid employment.
Options for placements include catering, horticulture, administration, retail, vehicle maintenance and hospitality. There are many opportunities for young people.
Read more about supported internships guidance for learners 8th April 2014 (preparingforadulthood.org.uk)
Employability Services have a good track record of helping young people get paid jobs.
Jordan celebrates his first career step into paid employment; a great achievement for a young man fresh out of college.
Jordan’s journey began when he signed up for a Supported Internship through Employability Services Supported Employment.
This programme is a Government initiative, specifically designed to assist young adult Learners with learning disabilities to gain supported access into paid jobs as part of their College curriculum.
If you require further information please contact the Employability Services on 01472 256730.
You can also visit the Care Plus Group website.
Eclipse Gymnastics update
Did you read about Eclipse in our newsletter in May?
They now have a hoist to give access to their facilities like the trampoline and spring floor.
“We are really excited to offer Rebound Therapy on a trampoline which gives children who have issues with mobility the freedom to move in ways that they cannot move on the ground.”
“Rebound Therapy is proven to be beneficial for children with mobility and learning disabilities.”
Rebound sessions run on Friday, 10 am-12 pm and Sunday, 10am-12 pm.
Disability gymnastics sessions run alongside the rebound sessions on a Sunday. Some children have 1 to 1 sessions on a Saturday morning 9-10 am.
Many children who attend have Autism Spectrum Disorder and other special needs.
Keep reading to see what they offer to give all youngsters a chance to have fun in gymnastics.
Becky and Evie from the original Grimsby Gymnastics, now rebranded as Eclipse, shared how they’ve brought SEND to the centre of their work to provide more opportunities for sport, fun and recreation to children with disabilities in our area.
Becky works for the NHS within the children’s therapy team, and also works with children with SEND at a school.
They want to welcome more children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to their gym.
Becky said, “After extensive research we know that there are not enough opportunities for children with disabilities to engage in a sporting activity locally.
“We can accommodate disabilities within mainstream clubs, or we can offer dedicated disability sessions.
“We are really excited to offer Rebound Therapy on a trampoline which gives children who have issues with mobility the freedom to move in ways that they cannot move on the ground.
“Rebound Therapy is proven to be beneficial for children with mobility and learning disabilities.
“Changing facilities consist of a disabled toilet along with private area providing a suitable plinth and mobile hoist.”
How much is it?
Disability session- £6 per hour
Rebound Session: £15 per 20 minute session
Where is it?
Eclipse Gymnastics is based on King Edward Street at the back of Burger King and where the Royal Mail is.
250 King Edward Street,
DN31 3JX
Get in touch
Follow Eclipse Gymnastics on Facebook.
Call: 01472 354359
Email: info@eclipsegymnastics.co.uk
Virtual Parents Evening
Some parents have had the opportunity to take part in a virtual parents evening.
Some parents found that it worked well, and some did not.
Perhaps you have some specific questions to ask, or a teacher you would like to speak to.
Have what you need from them outlined, as well as the best way you would like them to help.
If you would like a follow up from your parents evening online please email your school and ask to make additional arrangements.
Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG)
The Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG) had their last meeting before the school break.
We talked about the topic of transitions.
They had lots of great experiences to share about their transitions and reviewed some content from BBC Bitesize and Young Minds.
Starting secondary school – BBC Bitesize
Find Your Feet: Transitioning to Secondary School — YoungMinds
Students said they had questions about:
- Making friends
- Getting lost
- Getting in trouble for going to class late if they did get lost
- What happens in between and after classes
- How much are things in the canteen
- Bullying
- The workload
SENCo’s and students told us that they did lots of great stuff to prepare students including events leading up to the transition in Year 6 including students and parents.
- A buddy system with older children from the school
- Matching students with an older child who went to their same Primary school
- Transition days and mornings
- Activities to help students find their classes and know their teachers
- Quiz night for students and parents
Some things that were unique in our special schools are:
- A carousel. Students move on after short intervals of learning. This way the morning is broken up into shorter sessions that are easier to digest. Students have an active break with the same students from their small group.
- The aim is to get children to transition back into mainstream school so we work hard to help them establish friendships.
- We are big on routine and structure. Every student knows what’s coming next.
Students said:
“I liked all the support, the staff are ace, its a calm environment.”
“It’s hard to get up for school and get back to a timetable after the summer.”
“I missed my friends and teachers from Primary School”
“I feel big now when I see the students new to Year 7.”
There’s more to come about transitions on the Local Offer.
SENDIASS offers post-16 transitions training for parents and carers on Monday, 12 July, 12.30pm – 2.30pm. Book on this training and see their other training below.
North East Lincolnshire Parents Participation (NELPPF)
NELPPF is a collective voice for parents and carers in North East Lincolnshire. They offer guidance and support from 0 to 25 years and make sure that parents’ views and experiences influence local services to make things better.
Email: nelppf@gmail.com
Telephone: 07583 474892
EHC Hub technical disruption
We are currently experiencing a slight technical disruption with the EHC Hub.
Our team are working hard to fix issues sending text messages from the EHC Hub and will have it in full working order as soon as possible.
If you have experienced this problem and would like support please contact Peter Thomas at peter.thomas@nelincs.gov.uk.
Read the latest National COVID guidance and local guidance.
Follow the Department for Education on social media.
Contact Jennifer.steel@nelincs.gov.uk if you have a query about school exclusions.
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs Disability Information Advice Support Service).
SENDIASS provides free impartial information, advice and support to disabled children and young people aged 0-25, and those with SEN. Get in touch Monday-Thursday, 8.30am- 4.30pm. Friday 8:30am- 4pm. Leave a message and we’ll get back to you within three days.
Email: nelincs@barnardos.org.uk
Training from SENDIASS
SENDIASS training- Post 16 Transitions
Monday, 12 July, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
This training is designed for parents/carers of children in years 10 or 11 who have a special education need/disability (SEND). Open for anyone whose child is at SEN Support or have an EHCP. Book a place
SENDIASS training- Person Centred Planning and EHCPs
Thursday, 24 June, 10am – 12pm
This is an information awareness session on what to expect at an Annual Review of an EHCP and what Person Centred Planning means. The session is aimed at parents / carers who have experienced or are due to experience Annual Reviews. Book a place
If you need advice regarding access to health services or feel your child needs additional support in school due to their medical needs please email Sarah Harding, the Designated Clinical Officer for SEND at designatedclinicalofficer@nelincs.gov.uk.
Useful contacts
The Sector Support ‘Community Service Fact Sheet’ has an extensive list of community support available for money, food, wellbeing, welfare and more.
See the Voluntary Sector Alliance website for North East Lincolnshire.
• Report a concern online or call 01472 326292 (opt. 2)
• Support for those isolating without anyone to support them for supplies and more call the Council (01472) 313131
• Health – if you are struggling to manage your symptoms, call 111. If you are in urgent need of medical assistance, call 999
• Domestic Abuse (women and men). NEL Women’s Aid (01472) 575757, and Men’s Helpline, 0808 8010327
• Wellbeing– if you are struggling with your mental health, call (01472) 256256
• Carers’ Support Service (support for informal carers). Go online or call (01472) 242277
Parents/carers are aware that at this anxious time some families have reported struggles with mental health and sought support for the overuse of alcohol.
Alcohol change UK offers COVID tips on alcohol and mental health.
We Are With You provides support for drugs and alcohol. You can also get in touch if you are worried about someone else’s drinking or drug use. Chat online or call- 01472 806890. Local charges apply. They also have information on their Facebook, @wearewithyoucharity.
What’s new on the Local Offer?
There’s lots changing to the Local Offer every week.
- NELC SEND Local Offer | Celebrating SEND- local stories and promotion (nelincs.gov.uk)
- NELC SEND Local Offer | Events and training (nelincs.gov.uk)
- NELC SEND Local Offer | Preparing for adulthood and transition to adult life (nelincs.gov.uk)
If you have questions about SEND we are always here to help. Please don’t hesitate to email sen@nelincs.gov.uk. We always try to make sure that children and parents/ carers voices are heard.
These Weekly SEND parent/carer newsletters are shared with teams within education, health and social care as well as parents/carers SENCOs, the DfE and local charities.
If parents/carers or young people over 16 do not have access to the internet or if they prefer to receive paper copies only please contact sen@nelincs.gov.uk.