3:23 pm, Monday, 17th October 2022

New resource for professionals! SMART Targets

SMART targets are targets that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound whilst also being personal to the child.

They should be set as small steps towards the child or young person meeting their long term outcomes and be used as part of a graduated approach to supporting children and young people in co-production with parents and the child or young person.

We have added a new page to the Local Offer. It provides a simple and easy to use guide for developing SMART Targets.

Find out more. NELC SEND Local Offer | SMART Targets – A how to guide to writing SMART Targets for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (nelincs.gov.uk)

You might like to use this page in conjunction with our guide on ‘capturing the voice of the child’.