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Meet the Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Team (SENART)

Meet the Team

This team of Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) co-ordinators gather the information needed to assess, write and amend EHCPs for children and young people with SEND who are aged 0-25. If you would like to know more about EHCP’s, what an EHCP will mean for your child or about our EHC Hub just click here.

Nicola Lambert

Nikki is the Lead Education Health and Care Plan Co-ordinator for Education and Inclusion. She is highly experienced and leads the SENART team. Nikki is proficient in SEND law and supports young people and families who have the most complex cases.

Suzy Cribb

Suzy has been with the team for over 4 years. She has a background in education and is an EHCP co-ordinator specialising in the review phase of an EHCP. Suzy has cases allocated across the primary and secondary education phase. Families will meet with Suzy as part of the review process where their child or young person is allocated to Suzy.

Stacey Heath

Stacey enjoys holidays abroad and music concerts. Stacey is an EHCP Co-ordinator specialising in the review phase of an EHCP. Stacey has cases across the primary and secondary phase of education. She is passionate about getting good outcomes for children and families.

Karen Gibson


Karen has a background in young people’s support and specialises in Preparation for Adulthood. Karen has cases in the post-16 phase of education and will meet with families at the review stage where Karen is the allocated EHCP co-ordinator. Karen is committed to ensuring young people achieve the best outcomes they can to support a positive transition to adult life.

Rosie James

Rosie is one of our newest members of the team and specialises in the EHCP assessment process. Rosie came to the team bringing lots of knowledge in early years, previously working as a Families First Practitioner.

Families will meet Rosie when a request for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment is made for their child or young person.

Anne Gardham

Anne has been with the team for over 5 years. She is an EHCP co-ordinator specialising in the assessment phase of the statutory process. Families will meet Anne when a request for an assessment of SEND need is received by the SENART team.

Debra Aird

Debbie has been with the team for over 4 years. Debbie’s background is in inclusion. Debbie is an EHCP co-ordinator specialising in the review phase of an EHCP. Debbie has cases allocated across the primary and secondary education phase. Families will meet with Debbie as part of the review process where their child or young person is allocated to Debbie.

Jacque Ryder

Jacque has been with the team the longest and has a background in education. Jacque is a talented cake baker. Jacque specialises in the review phase and has cases allocated within the primary and secondary phase of education. Families will meet with Jacque as part of the EHCP review process where Jacque is the allocated EHCP co-ordinator.

Jo Eggleston

Jo has a background in residential childcare and specialises in Preparation for Adulthood. Jo has cases in the post-16 phase of education and will meet with families at the review stage where Jo is the allocated EHCP Co-ordinator. Jo is passionate in supporting young people to remain in education to achieve their aspirations and move successfully into adulthood.

Annemarie Cook ‘Annie’

Annie is the newest member of the team and is the Lead EHCP Co-ordinator for 16+ specialising in Preparation for Adulthood.  Annie’s background is in Education and Inclusion.  Annie is working hard to improve the experience of young people as they transition to adulthood.