3:23 pm, Wednesday, 16th February 2022
Get involved in the annual SEND survey
Residents of North East Lincolnshire are being asked to share their experiences of services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the area.
The SEND Annual survey helps North East Lincolnshire Council to see what is working and how services can improve to meet the needs of the users.
Parents and children will have another year of new experiences to share and may have been involved with new services in the borough.
Councillor Iain Lindley, portfolio holder for children and education at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:
“The SEND Annual Survey is crucial to informing what services area available in our patch and what those services offer.
“It’s an opportunity for us to learn from the experiences of those who have used our services.
“I would urge parents to take a look at the survey and share their experiences so we can continue to improve.”
These surveys are for families with children who have, or feel they have, special educational needs or a disability.
Parents and carers can complete the survey via https://send2022parent.questionpro.eu.
Children and young people survey can take part in the survey at https://send2022yp.questionpro.eu.
If you need to speak to someone to give your views or ask any questions or you need a copy of the survey posting to you, you can ring the Engagement team on 01472 324380 or send an email to consultation@nelincs.gov.uk. The survey can be produced in large print upon request.
The survey closes 8 March, 2022.