12:40 pm, Monday, 13th December 2021
Funded training for professionals
New courses have been released on Nasen’s SEND Gateway.
There is a range of training for new and experienced professionals working with children and young people at different stages of their education.
You can learn to better support students and families, work with others within your educational setting and from other settings, and to perfect key practices like inclusion and Preparation for Adulthood.
Find all the training and updates on Nansen’s website, Events listing | SendGateway.
See some examples of the training below.
Introduction to the Teacher Handbook: SEND
In this webinar, lead authors’ Katherine Walsh and Amelie Thompson will take participants through the Teacher Handbook: SEND. They will explain the vision of the handbook and detail how it can be used to support inclusive teaching in every classroom.
Working with Parents, Carers and Families
This webinar series will support schools in developing and evaluating how they work with families to maximise engagement and outcomes.
SEND in Mainstream for Early Career Teachers and Beyond
Presented in partnership with Unity Schools Partnership, this series will support early career teachers to effectively meet the needs of all SEND learners in the classroom.
New to the SENCO Role: Understanding the role of the SENCO within a context of distributed leadership
This three-part webinar series, aimed specifically at new-in-post SENCOs, will be an opportunity to understand the roles and responsibilities of the SENCO and to develop the role of the SENCO as a strategic leader.
The link to this training is also on the Local Offer ‘Events and training’ page under the ‘Professionals’ section. NELC SEND Local Offer | Events and training (nelincs.gov.uk)
Why not take a look and see some of the other training you could do, and see some of the courses that you could recommend to the parents and carers your work with.