1:06 pm, Tuesday, 13th December 2022
Free British Sign Language Courses
Parents and carers of deaf children and young people can now take free online British Sign Language Courses from the National Deaf Children’s Society.
Signing from the start (0-3 years)
This group course starts on Tuesday 31 January 2023, 7.30pm to 8.30pm, for 6 consecutive weeks. This is for parents and carers and extended family members only (no children). You must have a deaf child aged 0 to 3 years old to be eligible. Places are not limited, we have plenty of spaces available.
You will learn useful everyday signs alongside other parents and carers, including numbers and colours, family, emotions, food, play time, and routines, as well as an introduction to BSL and finger spelling. We will also learn some signed nursery rhymes.
There will be a breakout room for each UK country so you will have the opportunity to learn signs that are more commonly used in the region closest to you.
To book your place, complete the application for Signing from the Start Parent Only Group Online Course Jan 23 (typeform.com).
Family Sign Language – Group online course (4-7 years)
If your deaf child is aged 4-7, and you would like to join our waiting list, visit 4-7 Family Sign Language Group Online Course March 23 WAITLIST (typeform.com).
We hope to have a course ready for around March 2023, but as soon as we have more information, we will contact everyone on the waiting list.
We have a number of devices and dongles available to loan to families who require them to access an online course, and, if they cannot get online to complete the application form, a professional can apply on their behalf or they can call the Helpline who will make the application for them over the phone.
We also have our Baby Sign sessions (0-3 years). This is not a British Sign Language course but is a relaxed, animated and fun song time designed to boost children’s development in their early years whilst picking up some everyday signs along the way. Visit Online Baby and Toddler Sessions | National Deaf Children’s Society (ndcs.org.uk).