4:24 pm, Wednesday, 24th November 2021
Discover Kooth- Parent carer session
Kooth is a web-based, confidential support service available to young people in North East Lincolnshire.
As a parent or carer, you are a key influence in where your child goes for information, advice and support.
Why not sign up to learn more about the platform and recommend it to your child.
This session will:
- Introduce the Kooth Service
- Provide a live demo of the site
- Q & A for questions about the service (not individual children/young people)
- Parent/Carer resources
Discover Kooth: Parents & Carers Session Tickets, Thu 9 Dec 2021 at 12:00 | Eventbrite
More about Kooth
Kooth provides a safe and secure means of accessing mental health and wellbeing support designed specifically for young people.
It’s anonymous which means users aren’t identified by a name or email so they can feel safe discussing personal things.
Kooth offers young people the opportunity to have a text-based conversation with a qualified counsellor.
Support can be gained not only through counselling but articles, forums, and discussion boards. All content is age appropriate, clinically approved and fully moderated.