9:00 am, Friday, 15th October 2021
Developmental Language Disorder Day
Research shows that many children with trouble learning at school or communicating with others have an undiagnosed condition called Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).
On average two students in every class of 30 have a neurodevelopmental condition called Developmental Language Disorder or DLD.
Friday, 15 of October is DLD Awareness Day and this year’s campaign is asking teachers to #ThinkLanguage #ThinkDLD.
The goal is to increase the early identification of DLD and support for students at school.
Spoken language is the lifeblood of the classroom. It underpins all learning, relationships and mental health, from the very beginning to the very end of school.
Most students thrive in this rich learning environment, but for some, listening and talking can be overwhelming.
Students with DLD can succeed at school when they are identified and access the right support. But first they need our help.
A free Teacher’s Kit in celebration of DLD Awareness Day can be found at RADLD | Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder.
Or contact your local Speech and Language Therapist if you have concerns about a child in your class nlg-tr.nlchildrentherapyteam@nhs.net or nlg-tr.GYChildrenstherapyteam@nhs.net.