7:52 pm, Thursday, 16th June 2022
Councillors approve new education strategy
NORTH East Lincolnshire Council’s Cabinet have approved a strategy setting out how it will work with local schools, academies and education settings to help children achieve their potential.
The Education and Inclusion Strategy was approved by Councillors at a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet last night (Wednesday 15 June 2022).
North East Lincolnshire Council’s Education & Inclusion Strategy 2022-25
The strategy, which is an update to the previous strategy published in 2016, sets out the Council’s vision for learning and education in our area.
Council Margaret Cracknell, portfolio holder for children and education for North East Lincolnshire Council, explained the significance of the new strategy:
“Councils have several statutory responsibilities when it comes to education – things that we must do to support children and young people to reach their potential.
“This strategy sets out our commitment to carrying out these jobs. It commits us to building and maintaining positive relationships with schools and education settings in our area.
“We also have responsibility for supporting vulnerable children and children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
“The strategy clearly demonstrates that we want to work with schools and education settings to get them to a position where they can fulfil every child’s right to an outstanding education, and I’m pleased that my Cabinet colleagues voted to adopt this approach.
“We have some tremendous challenges in North East Lincolnshire – levels of poverty and deprivation above the national average, but despite these difficulties our education offer is good, so we want to not only maintain this, but bring other education settings inline with this so every child, regardless of where they live in our borough and where they go to school, gets the very best education possible.”
North East Lincolnshire is the 20th most deprived local authority area out of 326 according to data from the 2019 Indices of Deprivation, with 26% of children living in poverty compared with some 17% nationally.
Despite these challenges, some 85% of pupils in our area attend a school judged by Ofsted to be Good or Outstanding. 100% of nursery schools are judged Good or Outstanding, and this is the same for Pupil Referral Units, well above the national average.
As part of the new strategy, the Council has aspired for all of the local education settings to be Ofsted rated Good or Outstanding by 2023.
This article was originally published on North East Lincolnshire Council’s news page.
Councillors approve new education strategy – NELC | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)