1:48 pm, Friday, 29th July 2022
Could you be a Family Ambassador?
Do you have lived experience as a parent carer of a child or young person who has required support and treatment across the Health, Social Care and Education System?
Can you demonstrate knowledge of the mental health, learning disability and autism pathways through lived experience?
The Humber and North Yorkshire Key Worker Service are looking for enthusiastic individuals from all backgrounds who are effective team players with good interpersonal skills to work as a Family Ambassador.
Find out more about the Humber and North Yorkshire Key Worker Service, NELC SEND Local Offer | Humber and North Yorkshire Keyworker Service (nelincs.gov.uk).
It is envisaged that this role will bring the voice of the parent carer to the forefront of care and treatment.
This role has been developed through work undertaken with the Parents Council and parents carers with lived experience who wish to improve things for others in similar situations.
Apply to become a Family Ambassador. Applications close on Friday 19 August 2022.
Watch these videos video to find out more about the role and how you could help local people as a Family Ambassador.