10:20 am, Tuesday, 7th June 2022

Children’s Transport Survey

UPDATE: The Children’s Transport Survey that is to be completed by children and young people has now been added. The first survey is intended for parent carers to complete. You are encouraged to do this with your child. The second survey is for children and young people to complete.

We’re currently reviewing our Children’s Transport Services and we want to hear about the thoughts and experiences of those families that currently use transport paid for by North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC). 

Parents and carers are legally responsible for making sure a child attends school.

However, in some cases the local authority has a duty to support parents and carers with transport to school.

We’ve been working with parents to design this survey and it is specifically about the transport children use that is paid for by NELC.

This could include going to and from school, family contact time and activities.

We would like to encourage you to complete this survey with your child present to help capture their views.

Children’s Transport Survey | QuestionPro Survey

The second survey is for children and young people to complete.

Children’s Transport Survey | QuestionPro Survey

If you need to speak to someone to give your views or ask any questions or you need a copy of the survey posting to you, you can ring the Engagement team on 01472 324380 or send an email to consultation@nelincs.gov.uk. We can supply the survey in large print.

The surveys close on 22 July 2022.