9:20 am, Thursday, 10th February 2022
Changes to Specialist Advisory Service and SEND Outreach teams
Due to some staffing and service changes, the Specialist Advisory Service and SEND Outreach teams will not be taking on any new referrals from Tuesday, 1 March.
This will enable the current caseload to be reviewed and supported effectively to positive exit strategy discussions, and clarification of future support needs and how this will align to a newly commissioned model.
Specialist teachers will still be on hand to support and advise via e-mail and telephone during this time.
Our SEND Local Offer pages also provide an online directory of organisations, teams and local processes that will also be able to help you in seeking appropriate support for children and young people that you have concerns about.
The schools catalogue will be coming out in March, which will confirm the SEND support services available and education welfare services that can be commissioned by schools and Academies from September, 2022.
If anyone wishes to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Rebecca Taylor, Head of SEND and Inclusion by email rebecca.taylor@nelincs.gov.uk.