4:25 pm, Wednesday, 31st May 2023
‘All About Attention’ professional programme of intervention
The Specialist Advisory Service and Early Years team would like to announce their exciting new offer ‘All About Attention’ programme of intervention.
The Specialist Advisory Service and Early Years team are offering an opportunity to receive modelling of the All About Attention stages, step by step guidance, pre and post intervention assessment and feedback and regular support and advice.
The All About Attention programme is a framework with set strategies and resources used to develop children’s communication, interaction, engagement, and attentional skills. Using highly motivating, engaging, and fun activities and toys to provide children an ‘irresistible invitation to learn’. By making intervention fun, exciting and interesting, increases the likelihood to grasp children’s attention and spontaneously joining in developing their attention and communication skills.
The aim is to gain interest from the setting, provide pre intervention assessment forms to evaluate the identified
children’s levels of attention to build groups, model Stage 1 with identified children and supporting adults, allow the setting to take over the intervention for 6 weeks, provide a post intervention assessment, evaluate, and discuss the impact at that point. If positive impact has been made, and the children have progressed, the teams would then move your setting onto the next stage and continue the process, repeating, until stage 3 is delivered and your setting is confident in delivering the All About Attention programme.
If you feel that your setting would benefit from the offer, please email AllAboutAttention@nelincs.gov.uk
Please note that by sharing your interest with the team and are successful in receiving the offer, the setting is expected to complete all components of the programme, including observations and providing feedback to the Specialist Advisory Service and Early Years Team, and share experiences and impacts with settings at SENCo forums and WellComm meetings.
The initial roll out of the offer is being provided by the Specialist Advisory Service and Early Years Team free of charge, at this time we cannot guarantee that this will not change in the future.